Engage Update - 16 January
Renfrewshire Libraries Arts Programme - January to April
Please find attached the new class booklet for the Renfrewshire Libraries Living Well at the Library Arts Programme.
This programme covers January to April and activities are scheduled in 7 of our library venues.
We have a wide range of different creative activities on offer and all activities are free, with materials and refreshments provided.
The programme is aimed at those looking to improve their wellbeing and connect with others. Participants can sign up by going to our website, or by going directly to Eventbrite.
Alternatively, you can make a referral to Amy Errington amy.errington@renfrewshire.gov.uk directly and she will book a place for your client.
The Household Hardship Fund is now open
Like the previous round it is expected that applications will come in very quickly. Once applications have been received worth over the total available, the Fund will close to new applications. Apply as soon as you are able.
Please note that if your group received funds in the previous round (November/December 2022), you are not eligible to apply again. This is to ensure that the money supports as many different communities as possible.
If you had started an application on the system, but had not submitted it before the fund was paused, you will be able to go back to that draft application using your log in details now the fund is reopened.
If your group applied in the previous round and did not receive funding, you can re-apply if you have been able to fully address the feedback given as to why the first application was not successful.
Find out more here
At the edge
The event taking place on Wednesday 1 February, 10 am-12:30 pm will highlight the impact of the cost of living crisis on women facing disadvantages such as migration and sexual exploitation.
Open to at practitioners delivering services to women in the public and third sectors, including those working on violence against women and girls; black and minority ethnic; asylum seeker, refugee and migrant support; mental health; advice and support; criminal justice; public health; and social work.
Important: this session will run as a Zoom webinar. If you cannot access Zoom, we can share the recording with you after the event. Contact us at enquiries@womenssupportproject.org.uk.
Date: Sat 28th January
Time: 1-4pm
Location: Priorscroft Bowling Club, Cochran St, Paisley PA1 1JY
Theme: Burns Night
More info at Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2cZtsywkc
For more information - https://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/people-and-networks/audiology-engagement-work/
Injured patients are being urged to consider accessing Minor Injuries Units (MIUs) to be seen faster and to help reduce pressure on busy A&Es.
MIU staff can treat a vast range of injuries and patients can even receive a scheduled emergency face-to-face appointment if they access the service through NHS24 on 111. They can also access an emergency video or telephone consultation from home through NHSGGC’s virtual A&E service (also known as the Flow Navigation Centre) via the same route.
The vast majority of patients who self-present to an MIU continue to be seen within four hours and those opting to access the virtual A&E usually receive a consultation within the hour.
There are three dedicated MIUs across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. These are New Stobhill Hospital, New Victoria Hospital and the Vale of Leven Hospital.