Engage Update - Employment Focus - 02 December
Connect with potential candidates across the local Third Sector.
Send your ‘Ads’ to info@engagerenfrewshire.com
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
Policy and Research Assistant
We are seeking a Policy and Research Assistant to support the policy and research functions within Scottish Families, led by the CEO, aiming to create insight, grow the evidence base, and deliver impact and change to improve outcomes for families affected by alcohol and drugs. The role includes internal and external work with the Scottish Families Team and Board, family members, government, public bodies, politicians, third sector and academic partners.
The Beacon Art Centre
Community Outreach Co-ordinator
To plan and deliver work in the community that will change perceptions on how participating with the Beacon’s creative engagement programme can give communities a voice, improve lives and the social cohesion of a community. To deliver key learning from the work that can be taken forward by the Beacon.
Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership Vacancies
Current vacancies include Nursing, Administration, Social Care and Senior Health Professional Roles
Support for Individuals
Minority Ethnic Matters Overview - 28 November
SURF Research on barriers to community-owned energy projects in Scotland & more - November SURF E-bulletin
The Guard – Let’s talk veterans’ mental health
Trading Standards Scotland Bulletin 1 December
News, Training and Events from Generations Working Together
Winter jackets available for those in need from St Mirren stadium this weekend – Renfrewshire News 24
A winter clothes appeal, which asked St Mirren fans and the local community to donate warm clothing and jackets for those in need, has been overwhelmed with donations. Now, the team behind the initiative, are opening the doors of St Mirren Football Club on Saturday 3 December between 10am and 4pm at the concourse in the main stand for those who are in need of warm clothing this winter. Those attending will be able to choose from a range of jackets, free of charge Additionally, soup and a roll will be available on the day, made with help from young people at Kibble’s Skills Academy, with Scottish Leather Group covering the cost of the hot lunch.
Outspoken Arts Christmas Events
PACE Theatre Company announce the return of its annual pantomime with Cinderella. A seasonal treat which runs at The Art Department in the Paisley Centre. Wed 7 – Sat 31 December 2022(not Mondays)
Tickets from £11 – £28.00 (booking fee applies) 10% off group bookings of 15 or over
more info
Santa's Workshop
A FREE programme of creative craft-making workshops, storytelling and fun activities for all. Come along and help make decorations, hear stories, watch movies, play board games, decorate advent windows, write letters to Santa. 10-23 December 12-4pm FREE - some drop-in days & and some book online
more info
OutSpoken Arts Website
Child Protection Drop-Ins
Renfrewshire Child Protection Committee is piloting online drop ins for practitioners and managers from across Renfrewshire. The drop in will take place monthly and will provide the opportunity for you to ask questions, raise issues and discuss matters related to child protection. The session will provide updates on child protection both locally and nationally.
You are welcome to submit any questions / areas for discussion you may have in advance by e-mailing renfrewshirecpc@renfrewshire.gov.uk or can raise them on the day.
The drop in on 13 December 12pm-1pm will provide the opportunity to hear about Safe and Together. Practitioners are concerned about how this approach can work alongside child protection procedures. The aim of the online drop in is to give an overview of the principles and look at some case examples of how this can work in practice
Safe and Together is a practice model which aims to improve how child welfare systems and practitioners respond to the issue of domestic abuse. It provides a common framework for practitioners to consider and discuss concerns, challenges and solutions for families experiencing domestic abuse. The model derives its name from the concept that children are best served when we can work towards keeping them safe and together with the non-offending parent (the adult domestic abuse survivor). The key principles include keep children who have experienced domestic abuse safe and together with their non-abusive parent, while supporting and acknowledging non-abusive parents’ protective efforts and ensuring perpetrators are held accountable for their abuse.
As Renfrewshire works towards becoming net zero by 2030, we know our businesses will be an integral part of achieving this aim, which is why we’ve launched a survey in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to see what support is needed to reduce your emissions.
We’re looking to find out from businesses based in Renfrewshire what your current waste habits, energy efficiency and transport methods are, and what the current barriers are to switching to more greener approaches.
We also want your more general views on how climate change is impacting, or will impact, your business, as well as any emissions targets you’ve set and how you plan to reach them.
Further questions aim to find out how aware you are of forthcoming changes to legislation in Scotland, including the deposit return scheme, extended producer responsibility and single use plastic products responsibility.
We’re looking to hear from all Renfrewshire businesses, large or small, so please take part in the survey via www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/business-climate-survey.
The closing date for responses is 30 October 2022.
The Ren Zero campaign
In 2019, the council declared a climate emergency in Renfrewshire, and we’ve committed to taking a leadership role in Renfrewshire, striving to reach net zero as an organisation and providing the support required for businesses, partners, and communities to reduce their emissions.
We’ve set out the first phase of our Plan for Net Zero which outlines our five key areas of focus to reach net zero, which are clean energy, sustainable transport, circular economy, connected communities and resilient place.
Engaging with businesses is always a priority for the council and a previous business survey played a key part of the development of the first phase of the plan.
We want to continue to work closely with businesses now and in the future as only together will we reach our ambitious aim so please take part in the survey, embrace the Ren Zero campaign and let us know if you would like your business to become part of Renfrewshire’s Net Zero Network.
For more information on the Ren Zero climate campaign, visit www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/climatechange.
Mobile Harm Reduction Unit
A mobile support unit has been launched in Renfrewshire in an attempt to reduce drug-related deaths and harm in the area.
The Harm Reduction Response Team (HaRRT) has been set up to engage with people affected by drug and alcohol use and to support people who are not yet accessing treatment and care services.
It allows those at risk access to the free supply and disposal of injecting equipment, blood testing, wound first aid alongside the training and distribution of Naloxone, which is used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
John Campbell, Injecting Equipment Provision Manager for Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said: “Every drug death within our communities is one too many and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde continues to work in conjunction with Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), Renfrewshire Council and Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership to reduce the harm that substances can have.
“Alcohol and drugs can have a severe impact on people’s lives if they do not have support or access to the relevant care services available to them. HaRRT provides a safe and confidential environment within the community and will help signpost users to treatment programmes that can assist with addiction issues.
“Having this service available in Renfrewshire will be a welcome addition to the services already in place across the area.”
The flexible and accessible manner of the van will assist in reducing the risk of drug related harms and will help proactively link individuals to treatment and support services they may not be aware of.
Although a large proportion of people visiting the service may be substance users, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership will provide advice on how they can be safer when taking drugs, while offering support and care opportunities.
Karen Reynolds, Service Manager for Renfrewshire’s Alcohol and Drugs Recovery Service, said: “HaRRT is one of many forward-thinking exciting service developments for Alcohol and Drugs Recovery Services in Renfrewshire, with the central aim of moving services to the heart of local communities.
“The flexible and agile ability of how HaRRT can respond to local needs and the close working relationships with many Renfrewshire partners, hopes to reduce the harm and the negative impact associated with problematic alcohol and drug use.
“Unfortunately, sometimes those most in need are not always in the care of services so the hope is that HaRRT will begin to bridge this gap and connect people into treatment.”
HaRRT is part of the Alcohol and Drugs Change Programme that oversees work to meet the recommendations of the Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drugs Commission, the first one of its kind to look at both harm caused by alcohol and drugs.