I think this time around, I am gonna do it
I think this time around, I am gonna do it

I think this time around, I am gonna do it

21/05/2024 (Staff Post - Alan McNiven )

I think this time around, I am gonna do it

Like you never knew it…

I was delighted to have to be asked to open the Wellbeing in the Park Event last Saturday in the beautiful Fountain Gardens of Paisley. The day unfolded into a great afternoon filled with vibrant entertainment, live music, and heartfelt spoken word performances. Other entertainment of on offer included a silent disco and the well-known challenge of the "Walk a Mile for Wellbeing". Bathed in sunshine, the occasion radiated a sense of love and wellness.

The event marked the end of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which aims to focus on ways for everyone to enhance our mental health. This year's theme centred on the importance of physical activity. Regular exercise is well-known for its positive impact on mental health, quality of life, and overall wellbeing. It also plays a crucial role in preventing and treating various diseases. Despite these well-documented benefits, a lot of us still don’t meet the recommended levels of physical activity.

I would suggest that a lot of us recognise the intrinsic connection between our bodies and minds. By taking care of ourselves physically, we can aim to reduce mental health issues. Exercise triggers the release of "feel-good" hormones, and also boosts self-esteem, improves sleep, and, when done in a social setting such as a team, class, or regular group, it can hopefully further enhance our mental health.

Saturday's event was particularly inspiring due to the collective encouragement from everyone in attendance. There was a strong emphasis on the small, manageable steps we can take to stay active—dancing at the silent disco being a prime example. Although I didn't get a chance to don the headphones this time, I have enjoyed silent discos in the past. As the headphones have three-channels you often find yourself dancing with a partner who is listening to a different tune…but then there’s nothing wrong with each person dancing to their own beat, right? We all feel out of sync sometimes but the trick may be to always keep dancing…

Let's continue moving towards better mental health – all the best

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