This resource has been developed to support staff and provide them with up-to-date information on a variety of different resources offering support that they can use and discuss when engaging with the families that they work with. As well as information on what is available for families, this resource includes information on eligibility, what the family would receive and what the referral or application process would be. Staff may be asked about a wide range of benefits and support that is needed for families. It’s important to remember that staff do not need to be experts, but rather they should refer on where required for specialist support.
General Support for Parents and Carers
Scottish Child Payment
Scottish Child Payment is a weekly payment of £26.70 which parents and carers can get for every child that they look after who is under 16 years old. They will get the payment every 4 weeks if their application is successful.
Scottish Child Payment is one of the 5 family payments you may be able to get from Social Security Scotland, along with Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods.
Parents and carers may be able to get a Scottish Child Payment if all of the following apply to them:
- they and the child they are looking after live in Scotland
- they or their partner are getting certain benefits or tax credits
- they or their partner are the main person looking after a child who is under 16 years old
For more information on Scottish Child Payment they can visit Scottish Child Payment - mygov.scot or to apply online they can visit How to apply - mygov.scot
Alternatively, for more information they can call Social Security Scotland by phone on 0800 18 2222 or visit webchat at https://chat.socialsecurity.gov.scot/
Child Benefit
Parents and carers are eligible to get Child Benefit if they are responsible for bringing up a child who is under 16 or under 20 if they stay in approved education or training.
Only one person can get Child Benefit for a child and there’s no limit to how many children you can claim for.
There are two Child Benefit Rates:
Who the allowance is for |
Rate (weekly) |
Eldest or only child |
£25.60 |
Additional children |
£16.95 per child |
Parent and carers can claim Child Benefit as soon as they have registered the birth of their child, or their child comes to live with them.
To make claim for the first time parents and carers should complete Child Benefit claim form CH2 and send it to the Child Benefit Office. The address is on the form.
To add a child to an existing claim they should contact the Child Benefit helpline on 0300 200 3100 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)
For more information, they can visit Child Benefit: How it works - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Tax-Free Childcare
Parents and carers can get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each child to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year).
Parents and carers can get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as 30 hours free childcare if they are eligible for both.
It can be used to pay for approved childcare, such as childminders, nurseries, nannies, after school clubs and play schemes. Thier childcare provider must be signed up to the scheme.
They may be eligible if:
- they are working
- their income (and their partner’s income, if they have one)
- their child’s age and circumstances – e.g. must be 11 years old or under.
- their immigration status
They cannot get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as claiming Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers.
For more information, they can visit Tax-Free Childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or to apply online they can visit Apply online for Tax-Free Childcare
Child Disability Payment
Child Disability Payment replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children and young people living in Scotland.
Child Disability Payment provides support for the extra costs that a disabled child might have. Parents and carers can apply for this payment for a disabled child under 16. The disability can be mental or physical.
Parents and carers can also apply for Child Disability Payment if the disabled child does not have a diagnosis. In such cases, they can tell Social Security Scotland about:
- how they're affected
- any symptoms they may have
Social Security Scotland will pay Child Disability Payment until the child is 18. Social Security Scotland and sometimes continue making payments after the child is 18. Find out more about
For more information, they can visit Child Disability Payment - mygov.scot or to apply online they can visit How to apply - mygov.scot
Alternatively, they can call Social Security Scotland by phone to start an application for a child. Freephone: 0800 182 2222 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday).
Child Winter Heating Payment
Child Winter Heating Payment used to be called Child Winter Heating Assistance. It’s a payment to help disabled children and young people and their families with increased heating costs over winter.
Child Winter Heating Payment is a payment of £251.50 in winter 2024-2025. It is paid once a year.
If you have more than one eligible child or young person in the household, they will each get the payment.
If you are under 19 and live in Scotland, you will get Child Winter Heating Payment if you are getting one
of the following benefits:
- the highest rate of the care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children
- the highest rate of the care component of Child Disability Payment
- the enhanced rate of the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- the enhanced rate of the daily living component of Adult Disability Payment.
You must be getting the benefit on at least 1 day during the 'qualifying week'.
The qualifying week is the third week in September every year.
You’ll be paid the Child Winter Heating Payment automatically. You do not need to apply, unless you live part of the year abroad.
You’ll get a letter in advance telling you that you’re getting the payment.

Specific Support for Pregnancy and Maternity
Best Start Grants and Best Start Foods
Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods are payments that help towards the costs of being pregnant or looking after a child. Parents and carers may be able to get these grants if all of the following apply:
- they live in Scotland
- they or their partner are getting certain benefits or tax credits
- they or their partner are pregnant, or are the main person looking after a baby or child who's the right age for a payment
Best Start Grant is made up of 3 one-off payments, the first payment is the Pregnancy and Baby Payment of £707.25 for your first child and £353.65 for any subsequent children. This payment is there to help with the costs of having a baby and parents and carers can apply for this payment during pregnancy, or after their baby is born.
When you can apply |
You may be able to get |
Apply as soon as you know you're pregnant, or up until your child turns 3 years old. |
Best Start Foods |
Apply after 24 weeks of pregnancy to help prepare for your baby’s arrival, or after your baby is born. |
Best Start Grant – Pregnancy and Baby Payment |
Apply when your child is aged between 2 and 3 years 6 months old. |
Best Start Grant – Early Learning Payment |
Apply when your child is first old enough to start primary school. When you should apply depends on when your child was born. You need to apply in the year that your child is first old enough to start school. |
Best Start Grant – School Age Payment |
Parent and carers can get Pregnancy and Baby Payment any time after they have reached the end of the 24th week of pregnancy until the day that their baby is 6 months old. If their baby is born before 24 weeks, they can apply from this date up to the day that their baby is 6 months old. If they have taken over looking after a child, for example, if they have adopted, they can apply up to the day before the child's first birthday.
Best Start Foods is a prepaid card that can help parents and carers buy healthy foods like milk or fruit. The amount they will get on their prepaid card will change depending on the age of their child. For example:
- £21.20 every 4 weeks during pregnancy – the payment amount is per pregnancy. This means the payment amount is the same whether you're pregnant with one baby, or if you're having twins or triplets
- £42.40 every 4 weeks from your child being born up until they're one year old
- £21.20 every 4 weeks when your child is between the ages of one and 3 years old
For more information on Best Start Grants and Best Start Foods they can visit Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods - mygov.scot and to apply they can visit How to apply - mygov.scot
Statutory Maternity Pay (base level)
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) is paid for up to 39 weeks and consists of the following:
- 90% of their average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 6 weeks
- £184.03 or 90% of their average weekly earnings (whichever is lower) for the next 33 weeks
SMP is paid in the same way as their wages, and Tax and National Insurance will be deducted.
Pregnant women/person and carers must give their employer at least 28 days’ notice when notifying them when they want to stop work to have their baby and the day that they want your SMP to start. They must also provide proof that they are pregnant.
Thier employer must confirm within 28 days how much SMP they will get and when it will start and stop.
If their employer decides that they are not eligible, they must give them form SMP1 within 7 days of making their decision and explain why.
For more information, they can visit Maternity pay and leave: Pay - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Maternity Allowance
Maternity Allowance is a payment that is given when a pregnant women/person or carer takes time off to have a baby.
A pregnant person or carer is eligible for this allowance if they:
- are employed but cannot get Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
- are self-employed
- have recently stopped working
- take part in unpaid work for the business of your spouse or civil partner
Maternity Allowance can be given for up to 39 weeks.
It can be claimed as soon as a someone has been pregnant for 26 weeks.
To make a claim they need a Maternity Allowance (MA1) claim form. They can either:
- print it and fill it in
- fill it in online and print it
- order a form if they cannot print it
For more information, they can visit Maternity Allowance: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Emergency Maternity Grant
A pregnant women/person or carer is eligible for this grant if:
- they are experiencing any immediate or emergency need relating to attending a Maternity clinic appointment within a NHSGGC Hospital site (i.e. travel costs, food, clothing etc.)
- experiencing money difficulties
To arrange a referral the staff member should contact the Support & Information Service on 0141 532 7378 or email sis@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.
If they are closed, please call 0141 452 4012 and leave a message, someone will get back to you.
Emergency Infant Formula Pathway
The Emergency Infant Formula pathway is based on guidance documents published by UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative: A guide for Local Authorities supporting families with infants under 12 months experiencing food insecurity and Scottish Government: Guide to responding to and preventing infant food insecurity in Scotland.
Our focus on children’s rights highlights during periods of crisis, babies are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society. In challenging economic times there is a need to ensure uninterrupted access to safe and adequate nutrition is available. This pathway is for use for Renfrewshire HSCP and Council staff, community groups and the voluntary sector.
Following the below pathway allows the practitioner to establish correct intervention to support with infant food insecurity. Standard Operating procedures have been developed to provide guidance to practitioners using the pathway.
Renfrewshire Emergency Infant Feeding Pathway
Specific Support for Early years
Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods
Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods are payments that help towards the costs of being pregnant or looking after a child. Parents and carers may be able to get these grants if all of the following apply:
- They live in Scotland
- They or their partner are getting certain benefits or tax credits
- They or their partner are pregnant, or are the main person looking after a baby or child who's the right age for a payment
Best Start Grant is made up of 3 one-off payments, the second payment is the Early Learning Payment of £314.45 per child to help with the costs of early learning. Parents and carers can get the payment when their child is aged between 2 years old and 3 years 6 months old. To get this payment their child does not need to go to nursery and they can get this payment for multiple children, as long as each child is the right age when they apply.
Best Start Foods is a prepaid card that can help buy healthy foods. The amount they will get on their prepaid card will change depending on the age of their child. For example:
- £21.20 every 4 weeks during pregnancy – the payment amount is per pregnancy. This means the payment amount is the same whether you're pregnant with one baby, or if you're having twins or triplets
- £42.40 every 4 weeks from your child being born up until they're one year old
- £21.20 every 4 weeks when your child is between the ages of one and 3 years old
For more information on Best Start Grants and Best Start Foods they can visit Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods - mygov.scot

Specific Support for Starting School
Best Start Grant
Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods are payments that help towards the costs of being pregnant or looking after a child. Parent and carers may be able to get these grants if all of the following apply:
- They live in Scotland
- They or their partner are getting certain benefits or tax credits
- They or their partner are pregnant, or are the main person looking after a baby or child who's the right age for a payment
Best Start Grant is made up of 3 one-off payments, the third payment is the School Age Payment of £314.45 per child. It helps with the costs of preparing for school when their child is first old enough to start primary school.
Parents or carers can get the payment for multiple children, as long as each child is the right age when they apply. To get a payment, their child does not have to take up a place at school.
For more information on Best Start Grants they can visit Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods - mygov.scot and to apply please visit How to apply - mygov.scot
School Clothing Grant
A clothing grant is a payment to help parents and carers buy school uniforms. If they qualify, they will receive one grant for each child during any school year. Unfortunately, they cannot apply for a clothing grant for nursery children.
The clothing grant is £120 per eligible primary school pupil and £150 per eligible secondary school pupil.
Parents and carers can apply for a clothing grant if:
- their child, or the child they care for, goes to a Renfrewshire primary, secondary or special school
- they receive specific benefits
For more information on this clothing grant, they can visit Free school meals and clothing grants - Renfrewshire Website or to apply they can visit Apply for clothing grants and free school meals (2022-2023) - Renfrewshire Council - About - MyAccount
Young Person’s Free Travel Bus Pass
Young people aged 5 to 21, who live in Scotland for at least 6 months a year can apply for an under 22s bus pass.
If the person you are supporting is:
- aged 16 to 21, they will need to apply for the bus pass themself
- a parent, guardian or carer of a child aged 5 to 15, they will need to apply on their childs behalf
- a parent, guardian or carer of a child under 5, they do not need to apply as their child will already travel on the bus for free
Children aged 5 to 11 will get a bus pass without a photo. This will expire when they turn 12, but they can get a new bus pass with a photo from age 11.
They can apply online by visiting Apply for an under 22s bus pass online - mygov.scot
If they do not want to apply online or do not have the required documents to do so, they can apply through their local council by visiting here Apply for an under 22s bus pass through your council - mygov.scot
Further Support
Winter Connections Programme
Winter Connections is a network of local places and spaces where people can connect with others in their community this winter. It encourages people to come together this winter to take part in activities that will improve health and wellbeing, reduce isolation and provide people with advice and support if they need it.
The events and activities are free, in every neighbourhood and everyone is welcome.
The Renfrewshire Toy Bank
The Renfrewshire Toy Bank works with charities, non-profit groups, NHS, schools, nurseries and other official groups to provide new gifts for local children at Christmas who need it most. To find out more information please visit The Renfrewshire Toy Bank - Home | Facebook
Housing Support for Vulnerable Adults - Renfrewshire
The housing support team support people who are homeless or considered vulnerable within the community and may be at risk of losing their home.
The team will provide support to assist people to move into and maintain a tenancy and help them to live independently.
They will support adults of all ages regardless of tenure, whose housing situation is vulnerable due to:
- being homeless, or at risk of homelessness
- learning disabilities
- addiction(s) issues
- mental ill issues
- age
- convictions
- domestic abuse.
To make a referral for a family that you are working with please complete and return the housing support referral form [74KB] to Karen Perratt, housing support coordinator, at referral@renfrewshire.gov.uk, or call 0141 618 5795 during office hours.
Carers Allowance
Pregnant women/people, parents and carers could get £81.90 a week if they care for someone at least 35 hours a week who gets certain benefits. This includes Child Disability Payment - the middle or highest care rate.
The person does not have to be related to, or live with, the person they care for. They do not get paid extra if they care for more than one person.
If someone else also cares for the same person, only one of person can claim Carer’s Allowance.
Please be aware that Carer’s Allowance can affect the other benefits that you and the person you care for get. For this reason, we would recommend that they speak to a Money Advisor before applying. They can contact Advice Works on 0300 300 1238 to make a telephone appointment to speak to one of their advisors (Mon – Thurs 8:45am to 4:45pm, Fri 8:45am to 3:55pm).
For more information on Carers Allowance, they can visit Carer's Allowance: How it works - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) and to apply they can visit Carer's Allowance: Make a claim - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Council Tax Reduction
To claim council tax reduction the person:
- must be the person who pays the council tax for the property, if not they can't claim this reduction
- must live in the property they are applying for
If the person is living with a partner, whether married or not, they will probably both be responsible for the same council tax bill. They should only make one application between them, which they both need to sign.
To apply online they can visit Apply for a council tax reduction - Renfrewshire Website
For more information or support they can phone 0300 300 0204 or email benefits.finit@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Housing Benefit
Someone may be eligible to put in a new claim for Housing Benefit if they’re in supported, sheltered or temporary housing. They can make a new claim if:
- they’re living in temporary accommodation, such as a B&B arranged by their council
- they’re living in a refuge for survivors of domestic abuse
- they’re living in sheltered or supported housing (such as a hostel) which provides them with ‘care, support or supervision’
If the person does not get ‘care, support or supervision’ through their supported or sheltered housing, they can apply for Universal Credit to help with housing costs.
For more information and to apply they can visit Housing Benefit - Renfrewshire Website