Money in Mind Tool
The Renfrewshire Affordable Credit Alliance (RACA) and Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) support good mental health through improved money management. Research has shown that 83% of mental health and care practitioners have no formal training when it comes to speaking to clients about money, and do not know where to signpost to for support.
The Money in Mind Tool, developed by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) in partnership with the NHS, aims to support mental health professionals explore issues an individual might be experiencing about money.
We have developed this webpage, based on the Money in Mind Tool, to sit alongside our other resources that offer support with money and the cost of living:
Alternatively, you can download the Money in Mind Tool for your relevant nation from the MaPS website’.
Who is Money in Mind for?
The Money in Mind Tool was originally developed for mental health professionals. However, we believe this webpage is a useful resource for a range of staff within health, social care and third sector settings.
What is the link between money and mental health?
MaPS highlight that:
- 74% of people who experience a mental health problem struggle to keep up with bills and payments1.
- 18% of people who experience a mental health problem are likely to be in problem debt2.
- 91% of people who are struggling with their mental health avoid talking about money, often because they feel embarrassment, guilt or shame3.
Money in Mind allows you to confidently explore money issues that may be impacting an individual’s recovery and signpost them to trusted sources of support. In turn, improving their financial and mental wellbeing.

Image from Money and Mental Health Policy Institute2
How to access and use Money in Mind
We converted the information from the Money in Mind Tool into this webpage, to increase accessibility across devices. This information includes:
- Suggested wording for starting a conversation about money worries. If you would like more information on talking about money, please see RACA’s Empowering Practitioners to Talk about Money webpage.
- A range of questions exploring the different types of money issues an individual might experience.
- Information on national and local resources in Renfrewshire, which an individual can be signposted or referred to.
Money in Mind Questions
Q1. Are you happy to talk about any money worries you may have so we can look at ways of getting you support with these if you want help?
That’s fine. If you have money worries that you would like to talk about at any time in the future, please do let me know.
Ok great, I’m going to ask you a few questions now to explore your situation and what kind of help might be useful.
Q2. Is your money situation affecting your mental health at the moment?
Move to Q3a
There are some services and resources I can share with you that might help with how you are feeling.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Recovery across Mental Health (RAMH) can provide a range of mental health support.
Visit www.ramh.org/refer to make a referral.
RAMH also have FIRST Crisis, their out of hours service for anyone in Renfrewshire 16 or over who is experiencing a crisis in their mental health. For immediate support:
Phone: 0800 221 8929 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; Sat-Sun 9am-5pm)
We Are with You Community Link Workers are based in GP practices and can help with a range of matters including mental health.
Referrals can be made via the GP or by email: renfrewshirelinks@wearewithyou.org.uk
National Services, Tools and Resources
The Mental Health and Money Toolkit has both CBT exercises to support how you are feeling as well as some useful money guidance information.
Mental Health professionals can order physical copies of this toolkit to provide directly to the people you are supporting - email the UK Partnerships team to order some: partners@maps.org.uk. There is also a guide for professionals which explains a bit more how to use the Toolkit: www.mentalhealthandmoneyadvice.org/toolkit-health-professionals
0800 83 85 87 (6pm – 2am Monday-Thursday; 24 hrs Friday-Sunday)
116 123 (open 24/7)
111 (open 24/7)
Text SHOUT to 85258 (open 24/7)
Q3a. Have you fallen behind with any bills or payments? E.g. rent or mortgage, council tax, gas, electricity, credit card, loan, Buy Now Pay Later agreement?
Move to Q3b
If you have missed payments, it is important to get free, independent debt advice. A debt adviser is trained to explore all the options you have to deal with the missed payments.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Advice Works and Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau can provide free advice and information for those who are struggling with any bills or payments.
To speak to an Advice Works helpline adviser:
Phone: 0300 300 1238
Email: adviceworks@renfrewshire.gov.uk
To make an appointment for Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau:
Phone: 0141 889 2121
Visit: www.renfrewshirecab.org.uk/get-advice
The Renfrewshire Affordable Credit Alliance website has helpful information and support on all aspects of credit. They also provide information on where the local credit unions are, and how to join one of the five available across Renfrewshire.
The Citizens Advice website also provides self-help information on a range of subjects, including getting help with bills: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/debt-and-money/budgeting1/get-help-with-bills
National Services, Tools and Resources
You can search free, independent debt advice services where you live using the MoneyHelper debt advice locator tool: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/debt
Q3b. Do you need any help with welfare benefits? This could include help finding out if you are entitled to any, help with a claim, or help with any problems you might be having with any benefits you are currently getting.
Move to Q3c
There is a lot of information online about welfare benefits, so I can give you some links to useful resources. If you think you might need help from a specialist adviser, I can also find you a service that can help.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Advice Works and Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau can do free checks to make sure that individuals are getting all the benefits that they are entitled to, no matter their age or circumstances.
To speak to an Advice Works helpline adviser:
Phone: 0300 300 1238
Email: adviceworks@renfrewshire.gov.uk
To make an appointment for Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau:
Phone: 0141 889 2121
Visit: https://www.renfrewshirecab.org.uk/get-advice
National Services, Tools and Resources
You can find a welfare benefits adviser by searching on www.advicelocal.uk or www.advice.scot
You can check which benefits you might be entitled to using this calculator: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/benefits/benefits-calculator
Help to Claim advisers can help you with the early stages of your Universal Credit claim. You can talk to them on the phone, or online over chat: www.cas.org.uk/helptoclaim
The Mental Health and Money Advice website has lots of information for those experiencing issues with mental health and money, including benefits advice: www.mentalhealthandmoneyadvice.org/scot/welfare-benefits/can-i-claim-welfare-benefits-if-i-m-living-with-a-mental-illness
Q3c. Do you have enough money for food?
We can look for a local food bank who might be able to help.
Move to Q3d
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Foodbank vouchers are available from Advice Works (0300 300 1238) and Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau (0141 889 2121).
For more information about other food support in Renfrewshire, visit our Food Fuel and Finance webpage.
National Services, Tools and Resources
The Trussell Trust website has a foodbank locator tool: www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/find-a-foodbank
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information for those struggling to afford food: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/blog/everyday-money/what-to-do-if-you-cant-afford-food
Q3d. Do you have somewhere to live?
We can look for organisations and information that can help.
Move to Q3e
Local Services, Tools and Resources
For those who are 16 or over and are homeless, or likely to become homeless within 56 days, a Housing Options Advisor at Renfrewshire Council can help.
Phone: 0300 300 1203
Email: housingadvice.hps@renfrewshire.gov.uk
More information: www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/article/2546/homelessness-help-and-advice
Turning Point can provide outreach with short-term harm reduction interventions, low level support and care co-ordination, and/or high-level support and care co-ordination: www.turningpointscotland.com/getting-support/renfrewshire/homeless-support-services-renfrewshire
RAMH can provide 24-hour supported living accommodation and tenancy outreach support: www.ramh.org/services/housing-support
Women’s Aid can provide safe accommodation for women and children forced to leave their homes due to domestic abuse.
Phone: 0141 561 7030
Visit: www.renfrewshirewomensaid.co.uk/contact-us.html
National Services, Tools and Resources
The Shelter website provides information about homelessness:
Q3e. Can you afford to heat your home?
There could be help available for paying your bills.
Move to Q3f
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Renfrewshire Council provide a free energy advice service to anyone living in Renfrewshire. To access this service:
Phone: 0300 3000 300
Email: emu@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau offer free energy advice and support. To make an appointment:
Phone: 0141 889 2121
Visit: www.renfrewshirecab.org.uk/get-advice
Self-help information about energy bills can be found on the Citizens Advice website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/consumer/energy/energy-supply
For more information on fuel and energy support, visit our Food Fuel and Finance webpage.
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information for those struggling to pay their energy bills: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/money-troubles/dealing-with-debt/struggling-to-pay-your-gas-or-electricity-bill
There are certain grants/funds to help with heating and energy bills. To check for eligibility, visit: www.mygov.scot/help-energy-bills
National Energy Action can offer a range of advice and support both directly to people in need, and via frontline workers and other intermediaries: www.nea.org.uk/get-help
Q3f. Do you need any help with budgeting?
Move to Q3g
There is a lot of support that help you with budgeting and managing your income and outgoings.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Advice Works and Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau can provide free advice and information to help with budgeting.
To speak to an Advice Works helpline adviser:
Phone: 0300 300 1238
Email: adviceworks@renfrewshire.gov.uk
To make an appointment for Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau:
Phone: 0141 889 2121
Visit: www.renfrewshirecab.org.uk/get-advice
The Citizens Advice website also provides self-help information about budgeting: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/debt-and-money/budgeting1/
Martin Lewis provides budgeting help online at Money Saving Expert, including downloadable budget plans, found at: www.moneysavingexpert.com/banking/budget-planning/
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information on budgeting: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/everyday-money/budgeting
Q3g. Do you need any help with your household spending in general? Such as how to save energy, how to pay for any adaptations you might need to make to your home?
Move to Q3h
There is information online and over the phone you can access.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
The Home Energy Scotland website provides advice on how to save energy and information about funding to make adaptations to homes so that they are more energy efficient: www.homeenergyscotland.org/reduce-my-bills
For those who are have a disability or long-term condition, are recovering from an operation or are older, Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Services could suggest how equipment and adaptations to their home could help make their life easier. To make a referral to the Adult Services Referral Team (ASeRT):
Phone: 0300 300 1380
Email: adultservicesreferral.sw@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Care and Repair provides free, confidential advice and practical assistance to people who are older or have disabilities living Renfrewshire.
Phone: 0141 812 4111
Email: enquiries.carerepair@bridgewaterha.org.uk
Visit: www.carerepairrenfrewshire.org.uk/contact-us
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information on everyday spending: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/everyday-money
Q3h. Do you have any worries or questions about pensions?
Move to Q3i
You can get free pension guidance from MoneyHelper.
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free pensions phone number (0800 011 3797) or their website has information on pensions and retirement: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/pensions
Q3i. Do you need help with a financial scam or fraud?
Move to Q3j
There are services and information online that can help you.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
All reports of fraud or any other financial crime should be reported to the Police via 101. The Police Scotland website also has information about scams and fraud: www.scotland.police.uk/advice-and-information/scams-and-frauds
Trading Standards Scotland has a weekly Scam Share bulletin, which can be signed up for at: www.tsscot.co.uk/bulletin
Age UK has produced a guide for older adults focused on looking after their money: www.ageuk.org.uk/globalassets/age-ni/documents/information-guides/ageukig45_protecting_yourself_inf.pdf
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information on scams and fraud: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/blog/scams-and-fraud/how-to-report-scam-fraud
Q3j. Do you need help to stop someone else spending your money or controlling your use of money?
Move to Q3k
There is information online that should help you.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Renfrewshire Council Social Work Team can help if someone is the victim of financial harm.
Phone: 0300 300 1199
If it is not an emergency, a referral can be made using their online form:
Renfrewshire Women’s Aid can provide a range of services and support to women, children and young people impacted by domestic abuse.
Phone: 0141 561 7030
Visit: www.renfrewshirewomensaid.co.uk/contact-us.html
Jubilee House provide a range of services and support to women impacted by domestic abuse, including a Financial Empowerment Programme.
Email: jubileehousescotland@gmail.com
Visit: www.jubileehousescotland.com/contact8
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information on financial abuse: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/family-and-care/talk-money/financial-abuse-spotting-the-signs-and-leaving-safely
Refuge has a free 24/7 National Domestic Abuse Helpline (0808 2000 247) and website: www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Q3k. Do you need help with money worries due to drugs, gambling or other addictions?
There are services that can help you.
Local Services, Tools and Resources
Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service provide a range of treatment and care options for individuals affected by alcohol and/or drug use. Referrals (including self-referrals) can be made by:
Phone: 0300 300 1199 (option two)
Email: addictions.sw@renfrewshire.gov.uk
CIRCLE Recovery Hub is a mental health and addiction service based in Paisley that aims to provide enhanced support to local people who are on a recovery journey. Referral forms can be downloaded here. Self-referrals can also be made to CIRCLE by:
Phone: 0300 300 1199 (option 2, then option 4)
Email: ci.circle.recovery@nhs.scot
The RCA Trust provides alcohol advice and counselling, as well as a range of gambling support services. These services are available to anyone. To find out more information or speak to their team phone: 0141 887 0880
Harm Reduction Response Team (HARRT) aims to prevent people experiencing harms relating to their alcohol and or drug use. The service is provided from an unmarked van to maintain confidentiality and to bring the service to where people need it. HaRRT is part of ADRS and supports people who are not in care or treatment. The team provides a suite of harm reduction interventions including:
- Needle replacement
- Naloxone supply
- Alcohol brief interventions
- Connecting individuals with mainstream alcohol and drug recovery services where appropriate.
Referrals are accepted from health professionals, self-referral and family or friends and the service is completely mobile. The team aim to respond to referrals within 24 hours during a working week. Mon & Wed: 8:45am-5pm Tues, Thurs, Sun: 12pm – 8pm.
Text: 07977 584328
Phone: 0141 314 4364
Email: ggc.ciharrt@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs support anyone affected by someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland. They offer support and information to many people and help them with confidence, communication, and general wellbeing, and link them into local support.
Phone: 08080 101011
Email: helpline@sfad.org.uk
Renfrewshire Family Support Recovery Service understands and recognises the importance of support being available for family members impacted by someone else’s drug or alcohol use. The service offers:
- One-to-one support
- Family support group
- Bereavement support groups
- Building coping and communication skills for supporting a loved one in addiction
- Social events
If you would like to find out more about the service or make a referral, please contact the Family Support Recovery Worker by:
Email: Madeleine.Bell@barnardos.org.uk
Phone: 07715633809
National Services, Tools and Resources
MoneyHelper has a free phone line (0800 138 7777) or their website has information on gambling and debt: https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/money-troubles/dealing-with-debt/tackling-problem-gambling-and-debt
NHS Inform has information on alcohol, drugs and gambling:
0800 9177 650 (24/7)
0300 999 1212 (10am – 12am)
0808 8020 133 (24/7)
Further Information or Training
If you, or your organisation, wish to receive further information about Money in Mind, please get in touch with RACA and we will be in touch.
Who are the Money and Pensions Service?
“We are an arm’s length body of government, transforming financial wellbeing in the UK: We’re here to ensure every person feels more in control of their finances throughout their lives: from pocket money to pensions. Why? Because when they are, communities are healthier, businesses are more prosperous, the economy benefits and individuals feel better off. Our services are free to your organisation and your patients – we offer financial guidance, insight and partnership to help build financial wellbeing for individuals and organisations. MaPS is sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions and funded by levies on both the financial services industry and pension schemes.”
You can find more information at: www.maps.org.uk
- UK Adult Financial Wellbeing Survey 2021: Credit Counts (2022) Money and Pensions Service.
- Mental Health and Money: The Facts (2019) Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
- Money and Pensions Service Survey of 3,000 UK Adults (2022) Money and Pensions Service.