RenSEN - Online Resources
RenSEN - Online Resources

Social Enterprise Learning Webinars (for social enterprises at all stages)

Enhancing Digital Skills

Third Sector Lab – provide digital training to third sector organisations.  You can subscribe to receive their training updates here.
Social media for business (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Producing engaging digital content (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Digital marketing strategy (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Digital Strategy – Watch-again webinar from Third Sector Lab
Cyber resilience and practical tips – online resource from ACOSVO
AI for charity communications – Watch-again video from Third Sector Lab
Choosing cloud services – A watch again video from Third Sector Lab
Cloud essentials 101 – A watch-again video from Third Sector Lab
Google Ads for non-profits – A 3-part video from Third Sector Lab
A digital strategy – A watch-again video from Third Sector Lab
Social Media strategy – A watch-again video from Third Sector Lab
Getting the most out of Instagram – A watch-again video from Third Sector Lab
An introduction to Looker Studio – A watch-again video from Third Sector Lab
An introduction to Looker Studio (a free data visualisation tool) – Online guide from Business Gateway
Creating graphics using Canva – A watch-again video from Third Sector Lab


Governance & Leadership 

Association of Chief Officers of Scottish Voluntary Organisations (ACOSVO) – A membership network for voluntary sector leaders and senior staff in Scotland
Good governance, diversity and recruiting new trustees – Webinar recording (SCVO)
How to diversify your board: A practical guide – PDF (Getting on Board)
Developing leadership practice in voluntary organisations (Volunteer Scotland and The Open University)
Collaborative Leadership in voluntary organisations (Volunteer Scotland and The Open University)
5 tips for robust and innovative heritage organisations (Heritage Lottery Fund)
Leadership coaching sessions online (Social Enterprise Academy)
Online resources for Chairs of Boards (ACSVO)
Governance Health-check for Chairs – online resource (ACOSVO and Turcan Connell)
The Informed Trustee is an online course which can be completed over 50 hours of self-directed study.  Follow this link to find the STEP Informed Trustee programme
Third Sector Governance Forum – has range of information for leaders of voluntary sector organisations including Board Behaviour and guidance for Board Meetings
5 tips to improve Board effectiveness – PDF / East Primetimers Foundation
Becoming a SCIO – an online guide (OSCR)
Trustee Duties – an online guide (OSCR)
Take SCVO’s Good Governance Check-up to find ways to improve your organisation’s governance
The Scottish Governance Code
Employee wellbeing – an online tutorial (Business Gateway)
Dos and Donts of incorporating a CIC  - Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
Setting up a CIC – Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
CIC forms and step by step guides – Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
‘How to prepare for your CIC journey’view the recording here - The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
Involving young people in organisational governance: A good practice guide (PDF) - The National Lottery Community Fund
Open, Learn, Create – Online portal to access free learning courses on a variety of subjects.
Social Shifters – Access to ‘Elearning, videos and downloadable digital tools to help to take action on the social and environmental issues that matter to you most!’


Social Enterprise Essentials 

Contingency planning (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Bringing your idea to life (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Marketing (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Renting business premises (online guide / Business Gateway)
Choosing business premises (online guide / Business Gateway)
Market research for start-ups (video / Just Enterprise)
Which policies do you need (video for start-ups / Just Enterprise)
An introduction to branding (for start-ups) (video / Just Enterprise)
Developing your brand story (PDF / Social Enterprise Academy)
A step by step guide to evaluation – online resource / Evaluation Support Scotland
Renfrewshire Council - If you would like to find out how external funding support can assist your organisation to develop, contact Renfrewshire Council’s Funding and Development Officer
Engage Renfrewshire – Provides support to identify the right funding for all types of community organisations.  Contact Engage Renfrewshire’s Funding & Organisational Development Officer for more information
SCVO – has an online guide to finding funding including a funding glossary
GCVS – has quick guide videos on fundraising and a Scotland-wide funding advice service
Chartered Institute of Fundraising – online resources to help improve your grant writing skills  
Fundraising Essentials – online guide / Chartered Institute of Fundraising
Fundraising Guidance for Charity Trustees – online guide / OSCR
Inspiring Fundraising – an online resource for Scotland’s heritage sector

Start up social enterprises: What policies do you need?



Developing a volunteer charter for your organisation – Self-directed learning programme (Volunteer Scotland and The Open University)
Involving Volunteers – Self-directed learning programme (Volunteer Scotland and The Open University)
Make Your Mark – Created with support of the Heritage Lottery Fund, this resource encourages access to heritage volunteering.  Access the Make Your Mark Inclusive Volunteering Toolkit here.
Advertise volunteer opportunities including vacancies for Trustees (Volunteer Scotland)
Scottish Government’s Volunteering Action Plan
Managing Volunteers – online resource from SCVO
Engage Renfrewshire – Volunteer support and resources


Business Planning

Business planning (online tutorial / Business Gateway)
Boost your opportunities with a sustainability strategy (Blog / Supplier Development Programme
Becoming VISIBLE – online resource (Evaluation Support Scotland) covering seven key elements in the VISIBLE standards: Voice, Independent, Service, Initiator, Builder, Local and Engage


Monitoring and Evaluation 

Impact Measurement – A watch-again recording from Third Sector Lab
Monitoring Wellbeing – (PDF) A learning insight from The National Lottery Community Fund
Third Sector Research Forum (TSRF) – Access TSRF research on a range of topics including: Dissemination, Influencing Change, Public Involvement, Research Ethics
SCVO Evidence Library – This is an online resource.  The library signposts to research and evidence produced by, or on, the voluntary sector. For further information email: research@scvo.scot.
Business Gateway Research Service – ‘desk-based research and subscribe to all of the relevant databases that supply up-to-date, reliable, premium data – saving you time and money’.
Volunteer Scotland – Range of online research publications can be found here
Volunteer Scotland – PDF guides available for downloading Top Tips for evaluating data / Top Tips for presenting data / Calculating the economic value of volunteering / Volunteering Impact Measurement


Income Generation/Procurement

Charities and Trading – online guide / OSCR
Dealing with the basics of gift aid – online guide / Chartered Institute of Fundraising
This online article from NCVO addresses ways to increase or change your income
Procurement Support for social enterprises / e-learning programme (Supplier Development Scotland)
Trading online – What you need to know (online guide / Business Gateway)
Routes to market for goods/services provided by Supported Businesses (Article / Supplier Development Programme)
Creating a Single Procurement Document on PCS (video / Supplier Development Scotland)
Public Contract Scotland User Guides can be found here
How do I get selected for a Quick Quote (PDF guide / Supplier Development Scotland)
What is a supplier alert profile? (PDF guide / Supplier Development Scotland)
Supplying to the public sector (PDF guide / Supplier Development Scotland)
Corporate fundraising – online guide / Chartered Institute of Fundraising


Business Finance

Increase your profitability - Online guide / Business Gateway
Charity accounting – Online guide / OSCR
Community Shares Scotland
Scottish Communities Finance


Social Enterprise - Online Learning

If you’re not available to attend workshops and webinars during the daytime, then the following e-learning opportunities may be of interest.  The following courses can be undertaken at your own pace and at a time to suit you!

  • E-learning for established social enterprises - Online learning at your own pace from Just Enterprise.  Complete at your own pace (over an 8-week period).  Programmes include: ‘Measuring Social Impact’ and ‘Tendering for Contracts’.  Full details can be found here.
  • E-learning for Leaders / Exploring My Leadership – The aim of this self-directed Just Enterprise programme is to support those in leadership roles within organisations to develop their leadership skills and better understand their leadership style.  The cost of the course is free to participants.
  • E-learning for Trustees / SCOPE – The SCOPE e-learning platform is designed specifically for trustees, volunteers and staff of voluntary organisations and aims to provide the ‘knowledge and skills you need to run your small voluntary organisation’.  The platform allows you to learn at your own pace.  There are five e-modules available with each module taking between 40 to 80minutes to complete.  Full details can be found on SCVO’s website
  • Developing leadership practice in voluntary organisations – This is a free self-directed learning course offered by the Open University.  Full details  here


Starting a social enterprise? Learning Webinars for Start-ups

Watch again webinars from Just Enterprise

Online resources

  • Firstport Start-up Support – Looking for advice to start your social enterprise? Check out Firstport support programmes or take the Firstport Impact Quiz to find out where to start.
  • E-learning for start-ups / Steps to Start-Up programme – This online Just Enterprise course is aimed at start-up social entrepreneurs/ There are eight modules for you to complete at your own pace (total time commitment is 8 hours).  Topics include how to: test your idea, design your business model, successfully launch your new social enterprise. Places on the course are fully funded (therefore no cost to participants).  There’s also a short video about the course on the Just Enterprise webpage.  Booking details can be found here.


Online resources for staff development


Online resources...  Carbon Reduction/Net Zero 


Online Resources - Environment


Online resources - Working with Communities


Online resources for monitoring and evaluation 

  • The National Lottery Community Fund has gathered learning from their funding programmes and produced online resources to help organisations evaluate their project activity. 
  • Evaluation Support Scotland – Provides information on how to evaluate the impact of your activities.  You’ll find a range of online resources including evaluation templates here.


Other sources of Funding 

  • Community Ownership Fund – To watch a webinar recording about the recent changes to the Community Ownership Fund, click here.
  • Community Heat Development Programme - This is Scottish Government funded initiative
  • Social Investment – Find out whether your organisation is ready for social investment via this online readiness checker from Social Investment Scotland
  • Accelerate – Launched by Community Enterprise, this programme provides ‘free business and organisational support targeted at third sector organisations and community groups who are not trading’.  Click on the hyperlink to submit an expression of interest 
  • Catalyst Fund – The Catalyst Fund is a joint venture between Firstport and Social Enterprise Scotland and offers loans starting at £50,000 to support ambitious social enterprises to start and scale their businesses through social investment.  You can find more information here
  • Growth Impact Fund – Partners Big Issue and Unltd have created this fund to support business and entrepreneurs to grow their impact and sales.
  • Inclusive Programme - CEIS and Interface have come together in a unique partnership to deliver their ‘Inclusive Programme’ to support societal and environmental change through third sector organisations.  You can find out more via the hyperlink
  • Interface – Connects organisations to academics.  Website also includes information on funding streams which support innovation
  • Social Enterprise Net Zero Transition Fund – is designed to support social enterprises and the wider third sector to make the transition to carbon net zero.  Full details can be found via the above hyperlink
  • Social Investment Scotland – Offering social investment from £10k to £1.5m.
  • Social Investment Fund – This programme is delivered by Foundation Scotland and offers a blend of grant and loan investment 
  • Social Investment Readiness Checker
  • Scottish Community Finance – ‘established to support communities across Scotland to raise investment capital that can be used to meet the aspirations of communities by the issuing of Community Bonds’ – see website for further details.
  • Community Shares Scotland – Support to develop community business.  Find out how community members can buy shares in enterprises providing goods / services which meet their needs
  • Creative Scotland – Grant fund programmes
  • Social Investment and Funding 
  • Funding Scotland – Search the database for current funding opportunities
  • Foundation Scotland 
  • Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund – Grant funding up to 80% of eligible costs up to a maximum of £80,000 to help community organisations reduce their building energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • Firstport – Funding for social enterprise start-ups.  Want to know more? Take a look at their FAQ


Sources of Support

  • Engage Renfrewshire Training Calendar has links to other sources of training and support for new start social enterprises 
  • Just Enterprise - Subscribe to Just Enterprise and be the first find out about Start-Up training and support
  • SCVO – The full training programme of free and fee-based webinars can be viewed here
  • Community Enterprise has produced The Social Enterprise Ecosystem Map which provides an overview of support available to social enterprises.  Scroll to end of document to view the full directory of support providers
  • SCVO Good Governance Checklist – Want to improve your organisation’s governance? SCVO’s Good Governance Check-up will show you how.  Watch this webinar (recorded as part of Trustees Week 2021) to find out more 
  • SCOPE – The SCOPE e-learning platform is designed specifically for trustees, volunteers and staff of voluntary organisations and aims to provide the ‘knowledge and skills you need to run your small voluntary organisation’.  The platform allows you to learn at your own pace.  There are five e-modules available with each module taking between 40 to 80minutes to complete.  Full details can be found on SCVO’s website
  • Exploring My Leadership – This self-directed learning programme has been developed by Just Enterprise.  The aim of the programme is to support those in leadership roles within organisations to develop their leadership skills and better understand their leadership style.  The cost of the course is free to participants
  • OSCR – The OSCR website has a range of online resources such as this PDF on Guidance and Good Practice for Charity Trustees
  • Introductory Guides – Topics include Committees, holding an Annual General Meeting (AGM), Constitutions etc. can be found on the Engage Renfrewshire website under ‘Toolkits and Guides’.
  • APT - Deliver training courses which ‘are available to any employer, of any size, based and/or operating in Scotland’.  Register with APT to receive updates.
  • Verification scheme for social enterprises – Full Details can be found via the link.


Business Essentials/Signposting


Thematic Networks and Forums


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