Advice for Moving towards Net Zero
What is net zero?
The term net zero means achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed.
To reach net zero, emissions from homes, transport, agriculture and industry will need to be cut. In other words, these sectors will have to reduce the amount of carbon they put into the atmosphere. But in some areas, like aviation, it will be too complex or expensive to cut emissions altogether.
Energy Support for Homes:
Home Energy Scotland: free, impartial advice and support on reducing bills, going green and saving money, home energy checks, warmer homes and also signpost residents to available funding support and additional benefits or payments they may be entitled to
Net Zero Nation – Home Energy: Background information on energy, as well as guidance on energy efficiency, funding support and links to community energy opportunities
Energy Support for Businesses, Third Sector and Community Groups:
Zero Waste Scotland's Energy Efficiency Business Support Service: free, impartial support and access to funding. On average a 24% saving in energy per organisation. They offer one to one support, free energy audits and toolkits and resources to help. Opportunities for unsecured, interest-free loans and cashback grants for SMEs.
Energy Saving Trust: also offer free, expert, impartial advice and funding support for social housing providers looking to enhance the energy efficiency of your housing stock
Sustainable Transport Support for Homes:
Net Zero Nation: has sections on electric vehicles as well as public transport and active travel. The active travel section includes assistance with funding for a bike, cycle routes and Bikeability training.
Energy Saving Trust Scotland: offers advice and support, including e-bike loans for individuals and information on grants and loans to enable shift to electric vehicles (including used electric vehicles)
Sustainable Transport Support for Businesses, Third Sector and Community Groups:
Energy Saving Trust Scotland: Offer interest-free e-bike business loan to businesses in Scotland and grant funding assistance with the installation of workplace charging points
Transport Scotland has support and guidance on active travel funding opportunities for public bodies and constituted community groups
For employers and social housing providers, Transport Scotland offer grant funding via the Cycling Friendly Development Fund for cycle parking, upgrading active travel route for walking, wheeling and cycling as well as funding for purchase of pool bikes and upgrading shower facilities, lockers, etc. for people wanting to active travel in to work
Waste & Recycling for Homes:
Zero Waste Scotland offer advice on what we can do at home to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle
Net Zero Nation: has guidance on reduce, reuse and recycle actions we can all take
Net Zero Nation also has guidance on reducing food waste and composting at home, as well as healthy and sustainable food
Waste & Recycling Support for Businesses and Third Sector Organisations:
Business support and advice on reducing waste to help reduce running costs can be found at Zero Waste Scotland
Scotland's Climate Assembly - recommendations for action
Is your organisation working towards achieving Net Zero?
Scotland has committed to reach Net Zero emissions by 2045, however Renfrewshire Council’s aim is to make Renfrewshire carbon neutral by 2030.
SCVO has produced a page providing information and support How to start your organisation’s journey to net zero (scvo.scot). Here you will find a useful guide and an easy to use carbon calculator.