DigiRen Network
DigiKnowVember Feedback
DigiRen Meetings
In the DigiRen network, there is a shared enthusiasm for harnessing the power of digital in our endeavors. We firmly believe that each of us, serving as Digital Champions, plays a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for digital inclusion initiatives. Our goal is to aid individuals in navigating the online realm, acquiring essential digital skills, and promoting internet safety.
Everyone is welcome to the DigiRen network – if you’re interested get in touch - info@engagerenfrewshire.com
Digiren Meeting - 05 December
This is a recording of the DigiRen Network meeting from Thursday 05 December 2024, including presentations from Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire HSCP and Amazon UK.
Introduction by Dr Alan McNiven, CEO Engage Renfrewshire
Introduction to the ADAM online tool www.meetadam.com by Alzheimer Scotland (Cancelled until 2025)
Overview of the ChromeOS Flex operating system by Lyndon Fraser, Head of Public Sector, Google
Digital Inclusion Charter by Jason Railton, Digital Inclusion Development Officer, SCVODigiKnowVember Feedback by Ross McNicol, Digital Participation Officer, Renfrewshire Council
Digiren Meeting Dates 2025
Most of the DigRen meetings take place on line – and we keep them short! We know that online meeting can be challenging - we aim for all our meetings to be inclusive and we make sure that:
✅ A clear agenda is included in the meeting invite and at the beginning of the meeting
✅ Camera on/camera off – it’s up to you!
✅ Everyone is encouraged to accommodate their own sensory needs e.g. standing or moving around
✅ The meeting is kept on track and on time
✅ Meeting norms are communicated to all participants
✅ There is an option to input to the meeting before or afterwards, as well as during
✅ We seek to communicate a clear ‘wrap up’ and any next steps!
Digiren meetings take place every 8 weeks on Thursdays 10am to 11am.
The dates for 2025 will be updated soon!
Please contact Ross McNicol - ross.mcnicol@renfrewshire.gov.uk for the Teams link if you would like to be included.
Members of the DigiRen Network
Alan McNiven - Co-chair of the DigiRen Network
Hi – Alan here - My fascination with digital technology arises from my initial lack of understanding. What I mean is that while I recognise the incredible benefits of digital advancements, there are times when I feel inexperienced in the digital realm. The DigiRen network provides me with a valuable opportunity to stay informed about new developments and ideas. It also connects me with individuals who possess a deeper understanding of how to adopt and implement the necessary technology. It's an excellent environment for both learning and sharing insights!
Ross McNichol - Co-chair of the DigiRen Network
My role is all about helping Renfrewshire tenants to get online and make the best use of digital technologies. It can be confusing for people to navigate the many digital options available out there so I try to make things understandable, and I often learn something new along the way. I assist with in-person training alongside raising digital awareness and policy through events and information sessions. The DigiRen Network has been invaluable for this digital outreach and helped support inclusion for the residents of Renfrewshire, by tackling the digital divide - all thanks to the incredible community behind it.
James McKee - Co-chair of the DigiRen Network
Hi Everyone 👋, James here. I have always been very inquisitive and not long after leaving school (many years ago), I owned my first computer (a Packard Bell 333mhz processor 🙊). Within a matter of hours of setting it up, I did something to it which meant it no longer worked (to this day, I still don’t know what I did 🤷♂️). This is where my digital inclusion journey began.
Around the same time, I became a “Computer Buddy” within my local Library and found this role very beneficial as it helped me better understand the challenges people faced getting online. It was also a very rewarding role and fantastic seeing people’s confidence grow and the look on their face when they opened their first document, created their first poster or logged onto the internet for the first time.
The DigiRen Network is an incredible group of like-minded individuals and organisations that all share a common interest of promoting and enabling digital inclusion across Renfrewshire – almost like a Digital Inclusion family. It provides a safe space for organisations to share learning, support and help each other whilst also promoting cross-sector collaboration and deliver outcomes for our communities, which really excites me!
Enabling Digital Inclusion in Renfrewshire
Presentation to Renfrewshire Wellbeing Network
Wednesday 29 January 2025