SCVO - How to win contracts and Service Level Agreements Day 1
SCVO - How to win contracts and Service Level Agreements Day 1

SCVO - How to win contracts and Service Level Agreements Day 1


  10am - 4pm

Designed and delivered in partnership with trainer John Bonnar, this online course will help organisations take charge of the process and win contracts and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that are in their best interests and those of their clients.

·      Day 1: 19 September, 10am to 4pm

·      Day 2: 26 September, 10am to 4pm



The aim of this online course is for participants to be empowered to critically analyse and bid for contracts and SLAs. They should have a renewed confidence in their organisation, in presenting it's services and in representing the organisation's strengths.

This online course will help you to understand the components of an SLA. It will provide an understanding of various tools and their application, and teach you how to create and develop an SLA.

You will take away a number of tools to use in real-life bidding and negotiation situations. The course is packed full of content that looks at:

  • turning best value to your advantage
  • capitalising on your strengths and unique selling points
  • pros and cons of types of contract – spot purchase, block purchase and unit purchase
  • the contents of a contract
  • drafting a service specification
  • preserving quality
  • an introduction to full cost recovery
  • negotiating practice
  • mastering the jargon

You will also leave with an understanding of the following: 

  • structuring business plans                                           
  • strategy management V ops management                  
  • Outcomes and outputs
  • defining the board’s role in strategy planning                
  • scoping
  • strategy and implementation    

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