Renfrewshire Community Wellbeing Network
Renfrewshire Community Wellbeing Network

Renfrewshire Community Wellbeing Network


  1pm - 3pm

What is the network and who can join?
If you're promoting positive mental health outcomes for Renfrewshire adults (16+) then you're welcome to join. Our network is predominantly made up of third sector community groups who have received funding via the 'Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund' and Renfrewshire HSCP's 'Culture, Arts, Health and Social Care Funds' but we're keen to expand and particularly reach those who could support groups or signpost the public towards funded activity.
Formerly known as the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Network we have renamed the network to reflect our expanded ambitions!
Our aims are:

  • promote networking amongst funded groups
  • share the work of funded groups with exterior partners to encourage participation
  • develop a model of good practice for community mental health work based on network learning and experience

Sign up for February’s event here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/renfrewshire-community-wellbeing-network-february-meeting-tickets-519661109367

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