Renfrewshire COC - Putting your Content to work
12pm - 1pm
Day 9 – Putting your Content to work (With Gordon White from fatBuzz)
Dec 13, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The need to communicate has never been more critical. During this period of disruption, uncertainty and a constant state of flux, businesses must continue to reach out to their stakeholders; in fact, it’s probably true that you need to increase your levels of communication. So, Content Marketing has never been more important.
To book your free place please email Laura Connor: lconnor@renfrewshirechamber.com or Laura Ritchie: lritchie@renfrewshirechamber.com
Open to any business based in Renfrewshire, member & non-member the 12 days of Digital December are designed to help you adapt to the changing environment. Funded by Renfrewshire Chamber these sessions are offered free of charge & form part of our strategy to support the recovery of the local economy.