Rebranding training session with Adam Piggot *POSTPONED*
9.30am - 1pm
More information to follow
Want to stand out, engage and connect with the people you need to reach? Join the brand strategy specialist, Adam Piggot, on his Brand Definition Workshop, developed specifically for social enterprises and voluntary sector organisations.
Synopsis & Learning Outcomes
- The workshop introduces Brand Themes and Brand Traits – two simple principles that will help you develop a clear, distinctive and engaging brand voice across all your communication channels.
- Find out how to identify the Brand Themes and Brand Traits for your organisation.
- Learn how to use them to ensure your message is told clearly, consistently and correctly across all platforms.
- Understand how they can help you:
- Assess the effectiveness of your communication strategy and visual presence.
- Guide strategic decisions, align thinking and solve problems in all areas of your organisation.
- Identify three SMART action points that will allow you to integrate Brand Themes and Brand Traits into your organisational practice.
- Bring an example of your current communication materials to hand on the day, for use as a reference. It would be ideal if this could be in a format you can share on screen.
- It could be a copy of your logo; a PDF of a business card, leaflet or brochure; the home page of your website, a link to your Facebook page; a photograph of your banners – or anything you use to connect with the people you want to reach.
- If you don’t have an example of your own, alternative reference material will be provided.
The Presenter
- The workshop will be led by Adam Piggot.
- Adam is a Glasgow-based graphic designer who specialises in Brand-led Strategy & Design for the Common Good.
- He also regularly delivers brand strategy workshops for TSIs, social enterprises, charities, community groups and campaigning organisations across the Scotland.
- You can find out more about Adam, and see examples of his work, at adampiggot.com
We will reschedule this training for later in the year.