Business Gateway - Taking a strategic approach to developing your business
2pm - 4pm
The webinar is practical, and outcomes driven.
Content will focus on a pragmatic approach to Strategic Planning designed to fit with the needs of small businesses in both B2C and B2B environments.
Topics covered during the webinar will include:
- Looking at your business today – identifying your strengths and areas for development
- The key pillars of a business and why balancing all areas is essential for success
- Personal and business ambitions and using these to guide strategy development
- Ansoff’s Matrix as a tool for identifying core growth strategies
- The core components of your business delivery
- How to develop a methodical, strategic approach to developing your business for future success
You will understand:
- How to undertake a balanced review of where your business is that helps identify areas for development
- Ansoff’s Matrix and how to use it as a core strategic planning tool
- How to create a strategic plan for growing your business
This webinar will be held on GoToMeeting.