Business Gateway - How to build a digital marketing plan – DigitalBoost
6pm - 8pm
What to expect from this webinar
This webinar will guide you through the steps needed to create an effective digital marketing strategy, ensuring you focus on the right tactics to meet your business objectives and goals.
We will cover:
- The importance of planning your digital marketing activities
- Building your plan around a simple framework
- Conducting a situational analysis (and understanding Customers and Competitors)
- Developing your brand and tone of voice
- Planning your Content strategy
- Prioritising digital channels
- Evaluating your Digital Marketing efforts
Please note: A link to access the webinar will be sent to you in your booking confirmation email. You may need to look in your ‘Clutter’ or ‘Spam’ folder to find it.
This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.