Business Gateway Digital Boost - Effective use of social media
Business Gateway Digital Boost - Effective use of social media

Business Gateway Digital Boost - Effective use of social media


  6pm - 8.30pm

Social Media offers businesses a way of reaching, engaging and interacting with your customers. From driving sales, boosting your brand awareness and even conducting Marketing Research, this workshop will outline how new businesses of all sizes can utilise Social Media effectively.

This session will cover:

  • Choosing the right social media platform(s) for your business
  • How to use Social to increase awareness of your brand, as well as to strengthen your brand associations
  • How to use it to gain insight into your target markets and conduct Market Research
  • How to use your social media to drive sales (and help your content SEO)

InCube (1st Floor)
27 High Street
1st Floor

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