Klascare CIC
Children & Young People
Klascare CIC

Klascare CIC

Since 2010 KLAS Care has rented a classroom in East Fulton Primary School to provide after school care. In 2014, Firstport “start it” funding allowed KLAS Care to successfully launch a social enterprise known as KLAS Care C.I.C, this enabled us to introduce a complimentary service by way of a play scheme. This service proved to be successful and has also proved that people are prepared to pay for child care services that are reliable, needed, flexible and professional, our goal is to continue and build and expand on what has already been achieved by creating a dedicated all round community support service. This additional service will be actively identifying and solving problems for people that are struggling with every-day life. This service will support and act as an advocacy service bridging the gap between statutory services and the community.

The child care branch of our social enterprise has proved to be sustainable and has allowed us to consider this additional service to include; training, drop in café, support groups and a mobile crèche service, all of which will reach and benefit the wider community.

Contact Details:

Lesley Compston
C/o East Fulton Primary School, Gilmartin Road, Linwood PA3 3SG
Klascare CIC

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