Our Children - 05 September
Welcome all,
This newsletter aims to provide a monthly update on children, young people and families related topics. If you have a story you want to share, information on your service, a call to action for the network, or anything you feel is relevant, and could benefit the children, young people and families of Renfrewshire, please contact Jane – jhamilton@engagerenfrewshire.com.
This newsletter is packed with local supports and information to be shared with your professional networks and the children, young people, and families you support.
- Our Children Network
- HENRY in Renfrewshire
- Renfrewshire Pathway for Emergency Infant Feeding - Online Briefing Sessions
- The Promise
- Haus of Seisay – Training opportunity
- Child Trust Funds
- Renfrewshire’s Events
- Aye Mind
- Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Gathering Insight Events
- Training
Our Children
Our August meeting was really well attended, thank you. I think we’ll need to find a bigger space if we keep this up. Let’s keep this up!!
A special thanks to our wonderful speakers, listening to you share your work with such energy and enthusiasm is a delight. For anyone that couldn’t make it along you will find copies of the presentations here - OCN 28.08.24
If you would like a slot at the next meeting on 20th Nov, I would be delighted to hear from you. Also, if you have any feedback, ways to improve, ideas on what content you would like, I would appreciate you getting in touch – Jane – jhamilton@enagerenfrewshire.com
We are happy to announce that the HENRY project is now live in Renfrewshire and being delivered by Early Years Scotland across 3 separate locations within the locality.
HENRY provides a wide range of support for families from pregnancy to age 12 including workshops, programmes, resources and online help. Support for families is underpinned by the HENRY approach to supporting behaviour change which helps parents gain confidence, knowledge and skills they need to help the whole family adopt a healthier, happier lifestyle and to give their children a great start in life and you can find out more about HENRY within NHS GGC here.
I have attached the dates for both the programme and workshops below and practitioners can refer families to the programme using this link.
However, families also have the opportunity to self-refer to the programme using this link. If you would like to distribute this link to any of your networks then please feel free and Fiona Carmicheal with EYS has informed me that she is more than happy to answer any questions you may have and to just get in touch with any queries you may have.
- Gallowhill Community Centre - 0-5 Programme – Mon 2nd Sept – 9.15am – 11.15am (8 weeks)
- Tannahill Community Centre – 0-5 Programme – Mon 2nd Sept – 12.15pm – 2.15pm (8 weeks)
- Gallowhill Community Centre – Workshops – Thurs 5th Sept - 9.30am – 11am (6 weeks)
- Tannahill Community Centre – Workshops – Thurs 5th Sept - 12pm – 2pm (6 weeks)
- Tannahill Community Centre – Workshops – Thurs 24th Oct - 9.30am – 11am (6 weeks)
- Foxbar Community Centre – Workshops – Thurs 24th Oct - 12pm – 2pm (6 weeks)
- Foxbar Community Centre – 0-5 Programme – Mon 11th Nov – 9.15am – 11.15am (8 weeks)
- Gallowhill Community Centre – 5-12 Programme – Mon 11th Nov – 12.15pm – 2.15pm (8 weeks)
- Gallowhill Community Centre – Workshops – Thurs 16th Jan - 9.30am – 11am (6 weeks)
- Foxbar Community Centre – 5-12 Programme – Mon 20th Jan – 9.15am – 11.15am (8 weeks)
- Tannahill Community Centre – 5-12 Programme – Mon 20th Jan – 12.15pm – 2.15pm (8 weeks)
- Foxbar Community Centre – Workshops – Thurs 30th Jan - 1pm – 2.30pm (6 weeks)
Contact – Fiona Carmicheal - Fiona.Carmichael@earlyyearsscotland.org or Chris McEwan - christopher.mcewan@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Renfrewshire Pathway for Emergency Infant Feeding
- Wednesday 11th September 10-11am on MS Teams
- Thursday 12th September 2-3pm on MS Team
Post-pandemic and now during the cost of living crisis, families across the UK are facing increased costs that in turn cause difficult decisions on where to prioritise money and spending.
The cost of infant formula has on average increased by 14%. For families from the most deprived communities, accessing infant formula is becoming more challenging. Evidence suggests healthcare professionals are reporting that families have been watering down the milk, spacing out feeds and/or introducing their baby to solids before they are ready. Watering down infant formula and early introduction of solids to babies is unsafe and puts infant’s health at risk.
If a family you are working with in Renfrewshire has an infant under 12 months and is experiencing financial crisis and food insecurity, this pathway allows you to refer the family to the Whole Family Wellbeing Team to access funds to either:
- Purchase infant formula if the baby is formula or mixed feeding.
- Support maternal nutrition if the baby is breastfeeding.
- Support maternal nutrition is the mother is pregnant.
To sign-up, please email Emma.Brown22@nhs.scot and indicate the date of the session you would like to attend.
The Promise
Paisley Promise champs club poster.png
Please see below opportunity for Care Experienced young people. If you have any questions about the Promise Champs, please contact Siobhan directly - siobhan.gray@renfrewshire.gov.uk
After having a fantastic summer programme with our Promise Champs, we are excited to start back the Paisley Promise Youth Club this Monday 9th September!
Our Promise Champs Youth Club takes places on the 2nd Floor within Paisley Methodist Halls, 2 Gauze Street, Paisley PA1 1EP from 4.30pm - 6.30pm.
We welcome new members to pop along and try it out ! This youth club is open to care experienced young people, young carers, and young people on the edges of care, aged 11-17, who are looking for a safe space after school to have fun and make new friends.
At our first session back, we will be planning a new youth club programme with the young people, alongside the usual games and arts & crafts.
Haus of Seisay
Please see below information about an opportunity from Haus of Seisay
Haus of Seisay are committed to improving educational and employment outcomes for Care Experienced young people.
We are launching a FULLY FUNDED 8 week course to continue our aim of supporting positive outcomes for care experienced young people. Young people are only eligible for this opportunity if they have left school, or are within 6 months of their leaving date.
(Aged 15-26)
Do you work with or know are care experienced young person in Renfrewshire that would benefit?
The 8 week programme will include:
- An introduction to hairdressing led by an SQA approved teacher
- Employability training as we partner with a leading training organisation
- Social media management taster course
- Confidence building skills
- Mental health awareness and support
- Work experience at Tony Robertson Hair Spa
If you would like to know more, have a CEYP that could be referred and or want to explore ways to support please get in touch!! – please contact Thomas directly if you have any questions, info@hausofseisay.org
Child Trust Fund
The Money and Pensions Service are aware of firms charging young people to trace lost Child Trust Funds, so they’re trying to highlight that it can be done for free.
Please see the blog below for more information on how to find a Child Trust Fund.
MoneyHelper: How to find lost Child Trust Funds for free
Renfrewshire's Events
The Council’s events team are conducting a consultation on Renfrewshire’s Events. Please take just a few minutes to give your views and feedback, which will be used to shape the programme and priorities of events for 2025 and beyond. We would be grateful if you would complete the questionnaire no later than Monday 23 September.
We have commissioned an independent consultant Research Resource to design the consultation process for us and provide analysis and recommendations for next steps based on the findings. The consultation is supported by a comprehensive multi-channel communications and engagement plan, and we ask for your support in sharing this questionnaire with as many people as possible in your creative network.
Thank you for taking time to complete this
Aye Mind
Issue 10_Digital Youth Mental Health.pdf
We are excited to share a joint Snippet and Aye Mind newsletter this month which looks at digital youth wellbeing.
"From Clicks To Progress: Youth Digital Pathways For Sustainable Development". Gives us a chance to reflect on the influential role that digital plays on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, including:
Digital as one pathway to support in the wider mental health system
The influence of the online environment on the lives of children and young people, including both risks and opportunities
The newsletter shares useful digital mental health supports and resources to learn about children and young people’s online lives. It also includes information about digital inclusion, because although most children and young people in Scotland are online, not everyone is.
Being digitally excluded can affect their wellbeing, learning and development, access to services, and ultimately their life chances. We must not forget about these children and young people when we are talking about digital youth mental health.
A reminder that our Mental Health Snippets and Aye Mind newsletters can be downloaded from both the Mental Health Improvement and Aye Mind websites.
If you are working with any digitally excluded young people, please reach out to - James Mckee (Digital Strategy Delivery Manager, Renfrewshire Council) - james.mckee@renfrewshire.gov.uk
The Alliance - GIRFEC
The ALLIANCE are hosting our first Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Gathering Insight Events. These events will bring together professionals within Scotland’s children and young people sector who play a role in implementing GIRFEC. Through networking opportunities, participants will connect with colleagues from both the third and statutory sectors, fostering collaboration and the exchange of insights.
The events will include breakout workshops and panel discussions led by representatives from Education, NHS, the third sector, Scottish Government and Local Authority, offering participants the chance to gather key learnings, successes, and challenges in implementing GIRFEC across different sectors. The event aims to facilitate discussions on strengthening partnerships and exploring next steps for improving the implementation of GIRFEC.
Register your space on Eventbrite. If you have any questions, please email GIRFEC@alliance-scotland.org.uk
Registration Links:
West: Inverclyde, West Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Stirling, Clackmannanshire, Falkirk.
Essential training courses from CPAG in Scotland
By Child Action Poverty Group Scotland
Child Poverty Action Group Scotland is offering two training courses on Universal Credit (‘UC’) and welfare rights for professionals.
The Universal Credit course is an opportunity for experienced advisers to get up to date with the latest developments. This course will enable you to share experiences of UC and discuss legal and practical approaches to best support clients.
Read more
The rights of children in Scotland and duties of public bodies after the UNCRC: what does your organisation need to do now? By Mackay Hannah
Date: 24th September 2024
Time: 9:25am-12:50pm
Location: online
Cost: £149 (including video recording) video recording alone £99
This conference will explore the legal and service delivery implications for all Scottish public authorities following the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scottish law. It aims to guide public sector bodies and service providers in aligning their operations, culture, practices, and policy-making with the requirements of the Act.
Read more