Engage Newsletters

Keep up to date with Engage Renfrewshire


Engage Update - 29 April

Ferguslie Learning Centre Open Day - 02 May 


Scottish Recovery Consortium - Peer Recovery Hub

Scottish Recovery Network has launched a new online resource full of free tools, events, and opportunities to inspire you to develop and champion peer support for mental health recovery! It’s a space where they’ll be shining a spotlight on your fantastic peer support projects, services, and organisations. A place to share ideas and learning from people planning and delivering peer support activities, to help you do the same.



2024 Surf Awards

At this online event, on the 6th June, you will hear more about the 2024 SURF Awards process and the 5 Award categories.
If you have ever considered entering (or re-entering) the Awards or want to know more about this year's process and what is involved or to hear directly from projects who have gone through the process, then this event is definitely for you.
Find out more and book - HERE



Sustaining Choices Programme 2024

We are looking for expressions of interest from communities who want to improve walking in their area.
The Walking Edition of our Sustaining Choices programme is looking to work with up to 4 communities to support the development of Local Walking Action plans. We will work with you and your community to develop a series of community engagement exercises which will help to form a Local Walking Action Plan. In these conversations we’ll take a creative approach, exploring new techniques, and we will explicitly focus on finding actions which can be done at a community level. This is should you leave with an achievable plan that can motivate your community to improve their walking experiences. Not only will we create an action plan, but we’ll also explore how to share ideas and experiences through a creative output, for example a film or zine.
Throughout this whole process, you’ll be supported by the Planning Aid Scotland team, who will take care of the whole project management process but also offer training in community engagement, if this is something that would be of interest to you. We would like to start engagement in September and aim to work with communities who would particularly benefit from better walking experiences in their places. For example, if your place is in the 10% most deprived places according to the SIMD or is particularly vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis.
If this sounds like it is for your community, please complete our expression of interest form by Wednesday 29 May. If you’d like to find out more, please contact Erin Fulton, Community Development Manager, erin@pas.org.uk.


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