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Engage Update - 17 February

Engage Renfrewshire Office & Conference Facility Survey


We have some space – you may have some space needs!  We’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to tick a few boxes below – it will help us understand how best to offer our office space to the Network. Thanks so much!


Complete the survey here


We also have a great offer for members and partners:

We have a large space that could be suitable for your project! Yoga, baby massage, soft play, footcare, team building... 

We are offering this space for one FREE half day session for groups to try it out.

Please note the following:

  • Half day FREE 
  • 1 free session per organisation
  • April - June 2025
  • Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
  • Subject to availability
  • Groups should have their own PL insurance (if relevant)
  • Room is offered without furniture
  • We reserve the right to withdraw the offer if the room is let on a permanent basis

Please contact info@engagerenfrewshire.com to discuss availability. 



Become a Community Champion for Affordable Credit 

This workshop will equip you with the skills and knowledge to help the people you support navigate affordable credit options.

Why Affordable Credit Matters:

  • Many people rely on high-cost (payday loans) or short-term credit (buy now, pay later) and struggle to break free from debt cycles.
  • Some people may turn to an illegal money lender if they can’t get credit from elsewhere
  • Affordable credit provides a safety net for financial emergencies.
  • Access to affordable credit can help people build long-term financial resilience.

Our Goal:
We aim to create a network of Community Champions who can guide and inform others about affordable credit across Renfrewshire.

Expect an interactive and informative day, complete with "What I Learned" quizzes!

At the end, you’ll receive:

  • An "Ask Me About Affordable Credit" badge or workplace sticker.
  • A certificate recognising you/your organisation as a Community Champion.
  • Membership in the Community Champion Affordable Credit Network in Renfrewshire (opt-in).

Get involved, make a difference, and become a trusted voice in your community! Please arrive ahead of the start time at 10am.

Register using this link



The Glasgow Refugees Job Fair is organised by a partnership between Bridges Programmes, Breaking Barriers, DWP, Glasgow Futures, Refugee Employment Network, Scottish Refugee Council, and Skills Development Scotland.  The job fair will be at the Glasgow City Chambers on 20th March from 11am to 2pm



Guide Dogs - raise a guide dog puppy

We have a range of volunteer roles available, from raising puppies to raising pounds: www.guidedogs.org.uk/volunteer 
For information, we support children and adults living with a vision impairment, and their friends and families, with a range of dog and non-dog services. Volunteers such as fundraisers and puppy raisers are essential in allowing us to provide such services. We also offer free sighted guide training for anyone interested in learning how to support someone with a vision impairment, this could be ideal for some of the organisations you support to add to the skillset of their own volunteers: www.guidedogs.org.uk/sightedguiding


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