Engage Update - 13 January
Ferguslie Learning Centre - Spaces still available
Understanding Mental Health Issues (SCQF Level 4 certificated course)
Mondays 1.00 to 3.30 pm
From 13 January to 02 June 2025
Mindfulness & Wellbeing (not certificated)
Thursdays 1.00 to 3.00 pm
From 16 January to 29 May 2025
Computing for Beginners (SCQF Level 2 certificated course)
Fridays 1.00 to 3.30 pm
From 17 January to 30 May 2025
Kathleen Brown
Communities and Outreach Learning Centre Administrator
T + 44(0)141 842 1015
M +44(0)7980 696139
Are you a woman or girl concerned about sexist or other abuse, coercive control using technology, sexploitation/revenge porn, privacy or fraud, find out how you can protect yourself.
- Do you ever feel unsafe, unfairly targeted or simply unequal online?
- Equality when using the internet is a fundamental human right for women and girls. But … is that the reality?
- Females around the world have daily concerns about going online. Do you?
- Do you feel threatened, abused or discriminated against online, don’t hesitate to report it to the relevant website or platform and if appropriate, the police.
- Feel more protected, less vulnerable and more empowered on the internet.
YPI Charity Webinar
Thursday 23 January 10-10.45am on Microsoft Teams
This webinar is specifically designed for charities that engage with young people through YPI or those interested in learning more about the programme. There will be a Q&A at the end of the webinar, so please feel free to prepare a question.
This webinar will provide an overview of YPI, best practice and how to build a successful business case. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Linda Swan, Tayside Cancer Support about their experiences of working with young people through YPI and sharing their top tips.
Register your place here
An access link will be provided ahead of the event. If you cannot attend, the webinar will be recorded and uploaded to our Vimeo page (you can also watch previous webinars and explore other resources here).
New intergenerational resources for the Education Sector
To support the growth of intergenerational work within the education sector, GWT are pleased to announce a new package of support available for teachers, staff and volunteers interested in or involved in, delivering intergenerational work with school pupils.
This is offered through:
- A new GWT Education Network which will meet online three times a year from 4pm -6pm. The aim of the Network is to share peer experience, knowledge, and research, through discussion opportunities, bite size training and guest presentations.
- A programme of six weekly themed lesson plans linked to the curriculum (by Education Scotland) which prepares primary school children for engaging in intergenerational sessions with older adults in sheltered housing/residential care. The weekly lesson plans can be accessed by GWT members through the GWT online Moodle platform and come with additional downloadable resources to support children’s learning.
Please note: GWT membership is free for individuals living in Scotland.
- Two new best practice handbooks specifically written for the education sector.
- ‘Intergenerational Guide for Primary School Education’ (this accompanies the online learning module.)
- ‘A Teachers Guide to Intergenerational Learning’ (this gives an overview of the benefits and application of intergenerational work within the education sector.)
- Online twilight Q&A information sessions will be held on Thursday 23 January 4pm -5pm and Tuesday 28 January 4pm – 5pm.
The sessions will explain the new support available for the education sector, the online lesson plans and how they can be accessed. Attendees will be sent a hard copy of the ‘Intergenerational Guide for Primary School Education’ which accompanies the online learning module.
Places must be booked via the GWT website events page here and a Teams link will be sent out prior to the event.
A podcast featuring Susan Doherty from Education Scotland and Lorraine George from GWT will highlight the importance of intergenerational opportunities for children within education. This will be available on the Education Scotland Podbean page and the Education Network page on the GWT website.