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Engage Update - 11 March

Community Needs Assessment in Gallowhill 

Renfrewshire HSCP’s Health Improvement Team are looking to commission a local organisation to work with to facilitate a Grassroots Community Needs Assessment in Gallowhill and report on the outcome. It is expected that this piece of work will last for six months.

Renfrewshire HSCP, including the Health Improvement Team, and our partner organisations continue our shared commitments to improving health and wellbeing, protecting health and reducing health inequalities across the population and communities in Renfrewshire. The Health Improvement Team and our partners enable prevention and early intervention through programmes guided by existing and emerging data, intelligence and evidence. These aims are reflected within the HSCP Strategic Plan ‘Shaping our Future’ 2022 - 2025 and the new Community Plan for Renfrewshire.  They are also synonymous with NHSGG&C Public Health priorities as outlined in Turning the Tide, national policies and strategic drivers.

Read more and apply here


Garden Waste Permits

The 2024/25 garden waste collection service will begin on Monday 1 April 2024 and residents need to purchase a new permit to ensure they continue to receive a collection for their garden waste.
The deadline to guarantee permits will be with residents before the start of the new years’ service is 11 March 2024.
Permits can be purchased after 11 March 2024, but this may lead to a delay in their bin being collected until they receive their sticker.
Applying for a permit

Permits can be purchased at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/garden-waste-collection.
If someone does not have internet access, they can call 0300 300 0380, visit their local library to use the public computers to apply online or pick up a paper application form which should be returned with payment to Renfrewshire House.
If possible, the online form should be used for all applications.

The cost of the permit remains £40 and is valid until 30 April 2025.

Anyone receiving full (100%) or severe mental impairment council tax reduction will not be required to pay. They, or someone on their behalf, should apply online in the normal manner and follow the steps within the application form or call 0300 300 0380 if additional support is required.

The exemption applies to one permit only and they will need to pay if they wish to have any additional permits.

There is more information on the service available via the council website using the link above.
Further support
More information is available on the council website and any questions on the service can be emailed to the team at garden.waste@renfrewshire.gov.uk.

Community Justice Scotland and Scottish Government

The Scottish Government has given CJS the go ahead to commence a grant process to commission a single national voluntary throughcare partnership to provide support to all people leaving prison after a short prison sentence or a period on remand. Our working assumption is that the total amount of grant funding available will be £5.3M. Please note that at this stage this is still subject to Parliamentary approval of the Scottish Budget Bill 2024/25 – and approval of future budgets. 
CJS will be in touch in the coming weeks with the detail of the process and grant specification, however to facilitate partnership formation and refresh our stakeholder list in advance of this we would like to compile and share a register of organisations who may be interested in developing or contributing to a proposal. 
To facilitate this, please can you complete and return the attached form by 12.00 PM Friday 15 March 2024.

Register of Interest
Please note that by returning the form you are consenting to the information contained within it being shared with other interested voluntary sector organisations.
Choosing not to complete and return this form will not affect your eligibility for the grant and none of the information contained within it will form the basis of any decision making with regards to the grant.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries – please email commissioning@communityjustice.scot


Excellence Awards - Nominations Open 

The categories for 2024 remain linked to the standards allowing practitioners opportunities to continue to discuss and embed them within the work they do. Each award provides individuals, groups and organisations an opportunity to showcase their work, creativity and innovation, detailing how they were able to connect different generations together through using an intergenerational approach. 

  1. Intergenerational work confronts age discrimination and stereotypes
  2. Intergenerational work values generational diversity and inclusion
  3. Intergenerational work encourages reciprocal learning
  4. Intergenerational work relies on a cross-disciplinary knowledge base
  5. Intergenerational work must be evaluated
  6. International

The Awards will be announced on Tuesday 11th June 2024, (5-8pm) at a reception in the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh. Once the Award panel has meet and agreed the shortlisted nominations, invitations will be sent to nominees asking them to attend the evening to receive their award and to showcase their work in an exhibition.

For further information on each category and on how to nominate please download and read our guidelines attached. The closing date for nominations is Friday 15 March 2024 at 12 noon.

Your nomination form should be emailed to Moira Cutherbertson or posted to Generations Working Together, Brunswick House, 51 Wilson Street, Glasgow, G1 1UZ.


Survey from National Trauma Transformation Programme

Psychological trauma, including adverse and traumatic experiences in childhood and adulthood, is more common than we often assume. We all have a role to play in understanding and responding to people affected by psychological trauma and adversity.

Scotland has paved the way in creating a vision of a trauma-informed workforce and services. The aim is that services and care are delivered in ways that prevent further harm or re-traumatisation for those of us who have experienced psychological trauma or adversity at any stage in our lives and support people’s unique recovery journey.

We would very much appreciate your support in completing this short anonymous survey which will help us understand more about current levels of understanding of psychological trauma and adversity across Scotland’s workforce, the extent to which trauma-informed practice is currently embedded, and where additional support may be required. This survey follows on from a previous survey run in 2021 and will allow us to understand and assess what progress has been made since then.

The survey will only take around 5 minutes of your time and is available using this link:  https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NTTPWorkforce2024/
The closing date is Friday 22nd of March.

Please share this survey widely with your colleagues and networks. It is important that we get as broad as possible an understanding of the levels of awareness and familiarity across the whole workforce. This survey is primarily aimed at staff working across all sectors of Scotland’s workforce in the public, third and voluntary sectors. We would also welcome the views of staff working in the private sector, particularly those in the social care sector.

Please note that this survey does not ask any questions about experiences of trauma.

If you are seeking support with recovery from psychological trauma, this page provides information about useful services: https://www.traumatransformation.scot/get-help/

You can find out more about the National Trauma Transformation Programme here.


Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - April 

It’s a fantastic annual opportunity to educate your business, organisation or community group about the disease by joining us for a free virtual awareness talk. 

Delivered by a volunteer with a personal connection to bowel cancer, you’ll learn about the most common symptoms of bowel cancer, the risk factors associated with the disease and the importance of the NHS bowel screening programme.  

Book a bespoke talk for groups of 15 people or more by completing the booking form on our website here. Bookings for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month will close on Friday 29 March – so book yours today!   

Alternatively, why not encourage your employees/ members/ colleagues to sign up to one of our pre-booked awareness talks by booking a free ticket on Eventbrite.  

These pre-booked talks are open to anyone who wants to educate themselves about bowel cancer, so you can get involved no matter how small your group is, or even as an individual. Free tickets will be available up until the events take place. Talks are available at the following dates and times. Simply click on a date to make a booking through Eventbrite. 

All pre-booked talks will be in the English language and will take place via Zoom. 

Why raising awareness is so important  

Bowel cancer is currently the fourth most common cancer in the UK and the second biggest cancer killer. Nearly 43,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year, and more than 16,800 people die every year from the disease. 

However, it doesn’t have to be this way, as bowel cancer is treatable and curable, especially when caught early That’s why we’re dedicated to raising awareness through our volunteer-led awareness programme. 

What the talk will cover 

The virtual talk will last around 30-45 minutes and will be delivered by one of our trained volunteers. They’ll cover:  

  • Signs and symptoms – learn the most common symptoms of bowel cancer. 
  • Risks – gain an awareness of the risk factors associated with bowel cancer. 
  • Bowel screening – learn about the NHS bowel screening programme and the importance of taking part. 

You'll also have the opportunity to ask the volunteer any questions you might have. Many of our volunteers have personal experiences of bowel cancer, and so have a great deal of knowledge and wisdom to share. 


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