Engage Update - 09 December
Renfrewshire Services - Opening/Closing
We have created a page advising when some of the services in Renfrewshire will be open/closed over Christmas.
If you want to add your details, please email info@engagerenfrewshire.com
See webpage here
Trading Standards Scotland Bulletin 05 December
Cyber Alert - Actions to take to mitigate cyber threat
Glen Cinema Commemoration 2024
The Paisley Development Trust would like you to participate in our annual remembrance of the victims of the Glen Cinema Disaster in 1929.
We meet at the memorial in Dunn Square at 10.30am on the 31st December and support the few survivors that are left and their families during the short ceremony.
We would be delighted if you were able to attend.
Best regards
Piero Pieraccini & Tony Lawler
Renfrewshire Memory Tree Event 2025
Come along and remember loved ones lost to suicide
Renfrewshire’s annual memorial service to those who have lost their lives to suicide will take place on Thursday 23 January 2025 at the memorial tree outside Renfrewshire House.
The Memory Tree event gives bereaved family and friends a chance to come together to remember lost loved ones and celebrate their lives. It also aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and offer a supportive space for anyone who is struggling.
As part of the event, there will be the opportunity to place a purple heart on to the tree with a message to a loved one that’s been lost.
There will be a space inside Renfrewshire House Customer Contact Centre to write messages from 3.30pm, with the event starting outside at 4.15pm.
Tea and coffee will be available in Paisley Abbey after the service, along with the chance to sit and talk with others.
Anyone who has been affected by suicide in any way is welcome to attend.
Renfrewshire ADP Surveys
Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership has commissioned Figure 8 Consultancy to conduct an Alcohol and Drugs Needs Assessment study to help inform future planning of services and decision-making.
Lived/living experience and family members/carers
The online links to these surveys are below, there are also hard copy versions (attached) which can be printed off and distributed for those unable to complete online.
- Survey for individuals with lived and living experience is available here
- Survey for family members and carers is available here
Individuals completing these surveys will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw for a £50 gift voucher.
We would ask that those who manage services could distribute to all staff so that they have an opportunity to contribute to the survey.
Three online surveys are available for staff and managers, based on the type of service you work in.
- If you are working in Alcohol and Drug Services, please complete the survey here
- If you are working in Mental Health Services, please complete the survey here
- If you are working in other services such as Housing, Children and Young People, Older Adults, Criminal Justice etc, please complete the survey here
The surveys will be open until Friday 20th December 2024.
If you have any questions about the surveys or notice any issues, please do not hesitate to contact the ADP at: ggc.renfrewshireadp@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.
Thrive Under 5 Referrals Now Open
The next referral window for our "Thrive Under 5" pilot programme in Johnstone, Renfrewshire, in collaboration with Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and Citizen’s Advice Bureau – is now open.
We are open for referrals for this exciting initiative, designed to support local families with pre-school children in achieving a healthy start. The programme focuses on improving nutrition, fostering healthy eating habits, and promoting physical activity, particularly targeting families at risk of diet-related health inequalities.
"Thrive Under 5" adopts a comprehensive, community-centred approach, addressing food and financial insecurity alongside promoting healthy lifestyles. The programme will support a minimum of 60 families in Johnstone who meet specific criteria, including having children under five, being single parents, or belonging to ethnic minority groups.
Key services include:
- 12 free shops at our Community Pantry in Station Seven, Johnstone
- Access to cooking workshops and free equipment
- A cooking starter pack and 8 weeks of free recipe kits
- Money advice support from Renfrewshire Citizen's Advice Bureau, including guidance on grants and benefit entitlements to maximise income
- Physical activity opportunities for families provided by Active Communities
We encourage you to refer eligible families to benefit from this initiative.
Referral Process
We have attached the Referral Form (PDF and Word Doc version) and Application Guidance Document. Please pay close attention to the Application Guidance, including the list of eligible Postcodes.
Please return the completed Referral Form by Friday 10 January 2025 by emailing it to thrive@activecommunities.co.uk or posting it to Thrive Under 5, Station Seven, 7 Quarry Street, Johnstone, PA5 8DY.
If you have any questions, please refer to the Application Guidance provided or reply to this email.
Families who have been accepted on to the initiative will be contacted by Active Communities directly. They will initially be invited for an informal discussion with the Thrive Under 5 team at Station Seven to help build a plan of support tailored to their needs.