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Funding & Training Update - 24 April


Is it just me or are we are hurtling through 2024? 

Identifying the right funder, fund, building relationships, developing applications for submission, and application assessment, all take time. It is best practice to consider how you will fund your winter activity now.  

If you would like support to develop a funding plan please get in touch. Or if you are currently working on an application I am running a workshop on Tuesday 30 April, 1pm – 3pm, that would give you useful hints and tips for making a robust submission. Please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/writing-successful-funding-applications-tickets-881280051357  


  • Children and Young People
  • Churches 
  • Climate Emergency
  • Community Facilities / Property Maintenance
  • Fundraising
  • Learning Disabilities 
  • Migrant Support
  • Miscellaneous
  • Music
  • Older Adults
  • Prisoners
  • Technical Innovation
  • Women’s Health 


  • Vaping & Tobacco Awareness Raising Courses
  • Food Train - Eat Well Age Well Training
  • Cosca Certificate in Counselling Skills


  • Meet the Funders 
  • Renfrewshire Affordable Credit Alliance - Improving Financial Resilience in Renfrewshire


Children and Young People

Funding to Improve the Lives of Vulnerable Young People 
Grants of up to £2,400 are available to support the needs of vulnerable children and young people who have experienced a recent crisis or change in life that has had a significant impact on their wellbeing and their education. The funding is being made available through Buttle UK's Chances for Children Grants to provide a flexible range of support, such as items and activities to support learning and development (laptops, books, wi-fi, educational toys, tuition, etc); clothing and school uniforms; social, sporting and leisure activities; and items for children/young people’s bedrooms. Applications will only be accepted from frontline professionals working for a registered charity, housing association or public sector organisation including schools and colleges. Applications can be made at any time.  Find out more




The National Churches Trust’s Medium Grants Programme Opens for Applications
Grants of up to £10,000 are available to listed and unlisted Christian places of worship, of any denomination, across the UK towards project development and investigative work up to RIBA planning stage 1, to support churches preparing for a major project, and in developing their project to the point at which they can approach a major grant funder. Grants will never exceed 50% of the net project costs for this phase. The National Churches Trusts's Medium Grants Programme is also now able to offer grants of up to £10,000 for urgent and essential maintenance and repair projects costing between £20,000 and £80,000. Grants will never exceed 50% of the net project costs. The deadline for applications is midnight on 13 August 2024. Find out more



Climate Emergency

Grants Available to Build Understanding of the Climate Emergency
Organisations including community, cultural and education groups are invited to apply for a share of £250,000 of funding to support projects that engage people in tackling climate change. The Scottish Government’s Climate Engagement Fund aims to build understanding of the climate emergency amongst communities in Scotland, by offering support for climate engagement activities such as climate festivals, skills workshops, art exhibitions and youth development programmes. Grants of between £25,000 and £80,000 are available for both local and national engagement projects. Partnership applications are welcomed. Match funding is encouraged. The closing date for applications is 07 May 2024. Find out more



Community Facilities/Property Management

Screwfix Foundation  
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to local charities and not for profit organisations for projects that will fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities for of those in need in the UK. The funding is being made available through the Screwfix Foundations and the grants are available for all kinds of projects, from repairing buildings and improving facilities in deprived areas, to decorating the homes of people living with sickness and disabilities. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The next closing date for applications is 10 May 2024.  Find out more




GiveStar Adventure for Good Grants
UK residents aged 18 and over who are planning to embark on an adventure to raise funds for charity can apply for a share of £20,000 in funding from the GiveStar Adventure for Good Grant. The grant supports individuals who seek adventure and want to make a difference by helping to cover any costs associated with the challenge, such as buying specialist gear, paying for flights, accommodation, and camera equipment etc. The fund has previously supported challenges such as running the entire length of Africa and rowing solo across the Atlantic. Applications can be made at any time until 11:59pm on  31 May 2024.  Find out more

Funding Available for Innovative Community Projects
Aviva has partnered with Crowdfunder to support small charities and community groups with innovative ideas that benefit their communities and are looking to raise up to £50,000. The Aviva Community Fund will match each donation given, up to the value of £250, to support projects that enhance community resilience, with a focus on two main areas: Climate Action and Financial Wellbeing. This winter, the focus will be on supporting projects with a focus on Financial Wellbeing and the first 200 financial wellbeing projects to go live on the Fund webpage will receive a £500 fundraising boost. Once applications have been submitted, applicants will create a fundraising page on Crowdfunder, which Aviva employees and the public can donate to. Applications can be submitted at any time. Find out more

Match Funding Campaign to Support Vulnerable & Underrepresented Women & Girls
The Big Give has opened a match funding campaign to support charities working to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls in the UK. The Women and Girls Match Fund is making up to £10,000 in match funding available to enable charities that are led by and for women and girls to run their own match funding campaign during one week in October. Priority will be given to applications from charities that are led by Black and minoritised women and girls, LGBTQI women and girls, or Disabled women and girls. Charities wanting to participate in the campaign have until the 22 June 2024 to submit their application. Find out more



Learning Disabilities

Funding for Projects that Address Severe Learning Disabilities 
UK charities, voluntary organisations, and schools can apply for grants to help both children and adults suffering from severe learning difficulties, together with autism. The funding is being made available through the Baily Thomas General grants programme, and can be used to purchase equipment, support capital works as well as cover project and core costs. Previous grants have been used to support capital works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools; employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture; play schemes and play therapy schemes; day and social activities centres; support for families, including respite schemes; independent living schemes; support in the community schemes; and Snoezelen rooms. The next deadline for applications seeking funding over £9,000 is 01 August 2024. Applications for £9,000 and below can be submitted at any time. Find out more



Migrant Support 

Funding to Support Migrant Justice
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation is making grants of up to £60,000 per year (over 3 to 5 years) available to support not-for-profit organisations working towards migrant justice in the UK. The Migration Fund aims to support organisations to build on their services to strengthen relationships with migrants and diaspora communities, and help them plan for positive change. The Foundation will consider applications for core funding and funding dedicated to specific programmes and partnerships. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Foundation to discuss ideas before submitting applications related to this focus area. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.  Find out more




SPAR Community Cashback Scheme Opens to Applications
Convenience retailer SPAR, is inviting applications for its £100,000 Community Cashback Scheme which awards grants to voluntary or community organisations and charities which make a difference within their local area. The scheme gives shoppers across the UK the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £10,000 for an organisation or charity they feel deserves funding. Applicants will need to share the exceptional contribution a local organisation has made to their community and what the grant would be put towards. Over 20 organisations were awarded funding in 2023. The closing date for applications is 22 May 2024. Find out more

Funding to Support Local Community Projects
Grants of up to £10,000 are available to registered charities for projects that positively impact communities across England, Scotland, and Wales. The Morrisons Foundation provides funding to support projects that tackle poverty and social deprivation, enhance community spaces, facilities and services, and improve the health and wellbeing of local communities. The funding will support both capital spend and direct project delivery costs. Priority is given to smaller organisations with an annual income of less than £1 million. Applications can be made at any time.  Find out more

Grants of up to £250,000 Available to Address the Cost-of-Living Crisis
In response to the cost-of-living crisis, Social Investment Business (SIB) is making a mixture of unrestricted loans and grants available to help charities and social enterprises to continue to meet the needs of communities in deprived areas of the country. The Cost-of-Living Fund provides non repayable grants ranging from £10,000 to £250,000 to help organisations already assisting people impacted by the cost-of-living crisis to maintain, increase, launch or improve products or services. The grant operates alongside SIB’s Recovery Loan Fund which provides loans of between £150,000 and £1.5 million to organisations based in England, Wales and Scotland. Grants are provided only in conjunction with the Recovery Loan Fund. Applications can be submitted at any time until 31 December 2024.  Find out more




Music for All Opens New Funding Round
Music for All has opened a new round of Community Project Funding for projects and initiatives across the UK seeking to bring music to their community. Grants are available to community groups, schools and individuals under a number of different categories, each with their own criteria and award amounts. This round will support projects working with underprivileged children aged 4-11 years; people with chronic diseases and conditions; groups with mental health challenges and those affected by loneliness and isolation; community projects supporting those with mobility and accessibility needs; communities from the Global Majority; the BBT Trust Award which supports music education through orchestras in schools; individuals with mobility and accessibility needs; and the Knoydart Songwriting Retreat CIC Award which supports residential retreats for songwriters. The closing date for applicants is 01 July 2024.  Find out more

Grants for Musicians and Bands
Artists and bands that are at a crucial point in their careers can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 to break through to the next level of their careers. Activities eligible for funding include recording, touring and marketing. Applications can be submitted by the artists themselves or those who are working on their behalf, for example, a manager, an independent label or a publisher. The funding is being made available through the PRS Foundation’s Momentum Music Fund. The next closing date for applications is 20 May 2024.  Find out more


Older Adults

Grants to Help Older People and Adults with Disabilities Lead More Fulfilling Lives
Funding of between £100 and £2,500 is available for individuals and small community groups to help older people and other adults with a disability lead more fulfilled lives and reach their full potential. The funding which is being made through the Barchester's Charitable Foundation focuses on connecting or re-connecting people with others in their local community, helping combat isolation and loneliness and enabling people to be active and engaged. Individual applications must be completed by a third-party sponsor such as a health care professional, social worker or charity/support group representative. Applications are assessed on a case by case basis, with funds allocated to those who demonstrate greatest need. Applications can be submitted at any time. Find out more



New Fund for National Partnership to Support Newly Released Prisoners
The Scottish Government is making funding available to establish a single, national partnership of voluntary sector organisations to provide throughcare support to people leaving prison after a short sentence or a period on remand. Applications are sought from groups of at least five organisations working collaboratively to deliver services that support people to resettle into the community after release. This could include finding a home, providing opportunities for work, and improved health and wellbeing or mentoring. The partnership will be responsible for providing the service across all of Scotland, including to remote, rural and island areas. Applications for the Voluntary Throughcare Grant Fund, administered by Community Justice Scotland, close at 3pm on 09 July 2024Find out more



Technical Innovation

“I’ve got an Idea” Fund
Individuals or small groups or organisations in the UK who have a novel technical idea which they want to try out can apply for grants of between £250 and £3,000. Schools and groups of school children can also apply if the idea is technically inventive and novel and delivers either an environmental or social benefit. The fund has been set up in memory of Peter Williams by his family. Peter spent his life generating diverse technical ideas and experimenting to see if they might work. Some of his ideas worked and some of them didn’t but they all left our world a better and more interesting place. The fund is looking for ideas that are based on a technical idea or innovation; that could deliver a social or environmental benefit; and that are intriguing, inventive and have an element of fun. Applications can be submitted at any time and applicants will be informed within 4 weeks of submission if their application has been successful. Find out more



Women's Health 

Funding to Improve Menstrual Health Education & Support for Underrepresented Women
Funding is being made available to improve education and raise awareness on common women's health issues, particularly among under-served communities across the UK. The Women’s Health Community Fund will award grants of up to £5,000 to small, grassroots organisations and community groups for projects that provide information and support around menstrual health and related gynaecological conditions, particularly for those from lower income families, ethnically diverse communities, those with disabilities and LGBTQI+. The funding is being made available by Holland and Barrett, in partnership with Wellbeing of Women, which will accept applications until 19 May 2024. Find out more



Food Train - Eat Well Age Well

Eat Well Age Well offers free virtual ‘Raising the Issue of Malnutrition’ training sessions, hosted on MS Teams, which aim to increase attendees' knowledge and confidence around identifying and supporting older people at home in the community who are at risk or are suffering from malnutrition. The sessions are aimed at those who work with/care for older adults living in their own homes such as volunteers, health and social care staff, local authority staff or anyone working in the third sector.
Find out more and book here


COSCA Certificate in Counselling Services

An accredited, SQA Level 8 course, COSCA is perfect for anybody looking to improve their understanding of other people as well as themselves. Counselling skills can not only enhance the quality of personal relationships but can also improve workplace performance. This course is also a foundation for further counselling study.  The course teaches advanced, practical communication skills, developed through a combination of theory and hands-on practice, which combine to develop true listening and attention, effective communication, and advanced relational skills.  It has helped many people to see significant improvement in their work performance and both professional and personal relationships.  Applications now being accepted for our August courses! For further information, full course dates or to apply visit our COSCA Webpage or email lisa.alexander@fdamh.org.uk




RACA - Improving Financial Resilience in Renfrewshire

Johnstone Town Hall
Wednesday 15 May, 10am – 12.30pm
Come along to Johnstone Town Hall on 15 May for a partnership approach to improving financial resilience in Renfrewshire.
We have guest Speakers from trading Standards Scotland, Right Way Credit Union and Williamsburgh Housing Association. We welcome tenant representatives to this special event and will launch our Good Guide To Credit along with the RACA Survey results – can you afford to miss this? 
Register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/improving-financial-resilience-in-renfrewshire-tickets-884753530627
Tea, coffee and a light breakfast will be supplied.


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