Stuart Graham
Support Officer to the Forum & Partnerships Planning & Development Manager, Renfrewshire Council
What do you do within the organisation?
I work in the Partnerships and Equalities team within the Chief Executive’s Service. My work is focused on community planning, which just means working together with public, private and third sector partners to improve life outcomes for people in Renfrewshire.
Over the last couple of years a lot of our work has been about establishing the Local Partnerships in seven areas across Renfrewshire.
Organisation aims/accomplishments & which communities your organisation is empowering
We work to empower local communities, working with our third sector partners as much as possible.
Our team supports Renfrewshire Forum For Empowering Communities, has established the Community Empowerment Fund to support groups interested in community asset transfer and developed the new Local Partnerships.
The Local Partnership fund and Celebrating Renfrewshire fund that are managed through the seven Local Partnerships provide opportunities for community groups to access funding to support local priorities.
How can people connect with your organisation?
I can be contacted at stuart.graham@renfrewshire.gov.uk, or look up the Community Planning, Local Partnerships or Community Empowerment Fund pages at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk