Carol MacDonald
Senior Committee Services Officer
What do you do within the organisation?
I have a lead role in supporting Renfrewshire Council's Community Planning Partnership arrangements. I assist in the delivery and development of the community plan and ensure that all the Community Planning Groups are run effectively and efficiently. I work closely with key public, private and third sector organisations within Renfrewshire to strive to make Renfrewshire a fairer, more inclusive place where all our people, communities and businesses thrive. I also clerk and report to other Boards of the Council, including the Audit, Risk & Scrutiny Board and give advice to Members and officers on committee procedures, protocols and provide support and advice lead officers
Organisation aims/accomplishments and which Communities you are Empowering
Community planning within Renfrewshire is all about how the Council works together with key public, private and third sector organisations along with local the communities, to design and deliver better services that make a real difference to people's lives. It drives public service reform by bringing together local public services with the communities they serve and provides a focus for partnership working that targets specific local circumstances. Partners work together to improve local services and to ensure that they meet the needs of local people, especially those who need the services most.
How can people connect with your organisations?
I can be contacted via email at carol.macdonald@renfrewshire.gov.uk or by phone on 07734358719. Alternatively, to read more about Community Planning visit the Council website
Who are you outside work?
As an ex dance teacher, producer and choreographer I still love to dance and perform so I attend linedance classes and I am a member of a contemporary choir called Musichoir. It’s in my blood! I also play badminton every Sunday with a group of friends