Supporting Asylum Seekers resident at Glasgow Mutha, Erskine
Supporting Asylum Seekers resident at Glasgow Mutha, Erskine

Supporting Asylum Seekers resident at Glasgow Mutha, Erskine


  2pm -

Engage is working collaboratively with Renfrewshire Council and Mears to support Asylum Seekers residing at the Glasgow Mutha Erskine.

We are hosting an information session for Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) keen to support the residents; in order to present an accurate picture of what’s actually happening at the Glasgow Mutha, explain the demographic and priority needs, answer questions, and to make involvement as easy as possible for TSOs.

Our session is scheduled for Tuesday 18 April at 2pm at Glasgow Mutha, Erskine.

Please email info@engagerenfrewshire.com if you would like to attend, or for any further info.

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