ACOSVO - Women Leader's Network: Levelling Up Your Leadership Game
ACOSVO - Women Leader's Network: Levelling Up Your Leadership Game

ACOSVO - Women Leader's Network: Levelling Up Your Leadership Game


  3pm - 4.30pm

This event is open to female and female identifying voluntary sector leaders (members and non-members of ACOSVO).

A recent Pro Bono Economics (PBE) report has highlighted the voluntary sector’s rarely acknowledged gender imbalance. While women account for more than two-thirds of the sector workforce, it’s still men who hold the majority of senior leadership roles. The report calls for “more consistent support for current and future female leaders in the sector, especially around confidence and network-building”. ACOSVO’s CEO, Lucinda Godfrey, contributed to a piece in Third Force News with her thoughts on the report’s findings, raising the question of what leaders are doing to create cultures that enable women to aspire to and thrive in the top jobs.

Speakers: Lindsay Fyffe-Jardine, Chief Officer, Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home; Gavin Bryce, author of, Unmask the Confident Leader Within and Amy Woodhouse, Chief Executive, Parenting Across Scotland

We are delighted to be able to offer ACOSVO Women Leaders this online event focused on confidence building. We’ll be joined by best-selling author of Unmask the Confident Leader Within & leadership coach Gavin Bryce, ACOSVO's Women Leaders Network Champion, Lindsay Fyffe-Jardine and Amy Woodhouse, Chief Executive of Parenting Across Scotland for this event focused on advice and tips to building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome.

Fees apply

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