Renfrewshire Recipes

budget friendly options from local buddies

Renfrewshire Recipes

Renfrewshire Recipes

Welcome to Renfrewshire Recipes - a space to discover new ways to make the most of our food and budget

Renfrewshire Recipes is a new initiative supported by charitable and public sector bodies to collect and share information about healthy, budget friendly, sustainable food in Renfrewshire. 

Food Insecurity is an issue that affects many in our communities, and is an often unspoken issue, so this page is open for all. Please use the resources below to discover:

  • how to access food schemes in Renfrewshire
  • budget friendly recipes
  • how to minimise food waste

This is a collaborative project so if you have a resource (video, recipe cards, information card etc) that you think others could benefit from please let us know by email

Renfrewshire Social Enterprise Network

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