Our Children - 04 April
Following on from work the Scottish Government’s previous Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund, the new phase is open to third sector organisations who support babies, parents and carers affected by, or at risk, of perinatal and infant mental health issues in Scotland.
The aim of the fund is to sustain and improve third sector, non-clinical support for babies, parents and carers affected by, or at risk of, perinatal and infant mental health issues in Scotland.
This fund is an 18-month programme for third sector organisations who support babies, parents and carers affected by, or at risk of perinatal and infant mental health issues in Scotland.
Applications will be accepted from new applicants as well as organisations that are currently, or have previously been, funded through the PIMH Fund.
To find out more click on the link below;
Perinatal Infant Mental Health Fund 2024 - Inspiring Scotland
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