Engage Newsletters

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IN-Ren Newsletter - 21 March

The Alliance - Black History Month

Firstly, I’d like to say thanks to everyone who took part in co-planning some social media activity for Black History Month with the ALLIANCE last year.  We produced 9 audio/video short clips of women from across Scotland, speaking to the theme ‘Saluting our Sisters and Matriarchs’.  With an exceptional group of women, we also produced three radio discussions – Awaz FM’s Africa Live and Wednesday Health show and Jambo! Radio’s Lady Anne Duncan’s Show.
The planning group’s last meeting in November 2023 noted a desire to continue collaborating on the issues of racial discrimination, health inequity and representation.  We agreed we should re-convene in 2024 to continue this discussion with a wider network of race equality groups to establish an appetite and discuss proposals of what productive collaboration could look like.
With that in mind Sara Redmond (CEO, the ALLIANCE) would like to invite you to an online Zoom session to explore some ideas in more detail.  Please confirm your attendance to one - both sessions will be identical:

  • Wednesday 24 April 10.30-12.00pm
  • Tuesday 30 April 10.30-12.00pm

 We’d like to take the opportunity to describe some of our programmes in more detail - these include:

 Please confirm your attendance by Friday 22 March – you’ll be sent the Zoom link a few days before the meeting.
If you’re unable to attend feel free to nominate a colleague who will represent your network. We hope to maintain contact with all recipients to this email – particularly in these early stages of discussion. However, should you wish to cease contact please let me know.

Chigozie Joe Adigwe



AbilityNet would like to know if there is any interest in Tea & Tech Sessions in Renfrewshire.
What is a tea and tech party
A very informal session lasting around 1hr covering the below content.

Introduction to tech
dispelling the mystery around tech and online media, introducing the benefits of being online and the support available.  Ensuring participants have the tech they need set up making it accessible to their needs/disabilities – No tech required it’s a conversation-based training session.

Confidence online
focus on media literacy skills.  A balance of empowering through knowledge without unnerving, developing resilience to scams and fraud and awareness of information and misinformation.  Including an interactive session looking at where information comes from, can we trust it etc., plus practical tips, how to report etc - No tech required it’s a conversation-based training session.

Thriving Online
building skills to make digital part of everyday life.  How to connect with friends, family, support communities, finding the best deals, accessing healthcare, banking, shopping, entertainment.  Adapting your tech to overcome any disability related barriers.
Session will be led by a volunteer trainer and 2 volunteers.

Target audience
People who are digitally excluded

Duration:90 minutes

People expect:
To feel more comfortable using technology, free fact sheets and a chilled environment to learn in a group.
Ask to organisations

  1. They host the session at a location and advertise
  2. Provide tea and coffee

If your organisation works with people at risk or experiencing Digital Exclusion and you would like to host a Tea & Tech Party, then please email Chris Grant, Community Relationship Officer at AbilityNet on chris.grant@abilitynet.org.uk .  All you need to do is host and advertise the session and provide tea and coffee…..AbilityNet’s volunteers will do the rest!


#ItsNotMicro: How To Do It Right Workshop

Join us for the first-ever and exclusive run-through of how to run #ItsNotMicro in your organisation.

This event will include:

  • 9 steps to successfully implement it.
  • Full run-through of an employee training workshop to support, encourage and skill-up all employees to call out microaggressions.

The employee training workshop will be available as a ready-to-go resource for your organisation. Alternatively, you can purchase a recorded version of the workshop to distribute amongst all colleagues.

Attendees will receive an exclusive discount on any resources they wish to purchase.

What is #ItsNotMicro (If you hear it, don’t ignore it)?

It’s a new REM solution to tackle microaggressions, one of the most common and harmful experiences ethnically diverse colleagues face (in the workplace and outside).

The #ItsNotMicro (If you hear it, don’t ignore it) solution will enable colleagues to become active allies, know how to speak up when microaggressions occur, and do so confidently.

Who should attend?

Changemakers, ED&I professionals, learning and development, senior leaders, and race networks. 

The next run-through workshop will only be available for members of Race Equality Matters. 

To become a member, click here.


NHS 24 spring health campaign 2024

NHS 24 has launched the annual spring health campaign ‘Healthy Know How.'

The campaign highlights the need to be prepared for common illnesses and ailments at home, while also reminding the public to check they have enough prescription medication to last over the Easter weekend.

We would appreciate your support in sharing the campaign key messages and resources to relevant audiences.

Feel free to share this resource with other colleagues and teams who may find it useful. Should you require any help, or wish to request assets in other sizes or formats please get in touch NHS 24's Communications Team.

Campaign toolkit NHS 24 spring campaign 2024 Campaign toolkit NHS 24 spring campaign 2024




Fat Beehive Foundation
Provides small grants for websites and digital products to small UK charities. Grants up to £2500.  

We can only support a limited amount of projects, based on the funding available for distribution in any given year.   

Our funding priorities for this year are: 

  • Social Justice / Refugees / Housing – closing date 29/03/2024 
  • Education – closing date 28/06/2024 
  • Environmental Protection or climate change mitigation – closing date 27/09/2024 

Find out more

Funding to Improve Menopause Support for Underrepresented Women
Holland and Barrett, in partnership with Wellbeing of Women, has launched a new fund to address inequalities in menopause care amongst under-served communities across the UK. The Women’s Health Community Fund will provide small grants to groups and individuals for projects that raise awareness and improve education around the menopause, particularly amongst those from lower income families, ethnically diverse communities, those with disabilities and LGBTQ+. The types of activities that could be supported range from community events such as coffee mornings or fun activities, to events organised by individuals to raise awareness. Further details will be released in due course. Organisations are encouraged to register their interest in the first instance. Find out more 

Grants of Up to £200,000 Available to Support Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Organizations in the UK specialising in supporting refugees and asylum seekers can apply for grants of up to £200,000 over 3 - 5 years through Comic Relief's Re-Rooted: Safety and Security for Refugees & Asylum Seekers programme. This funding supports both service delivery (direct assistance addressing multiple needs) and influencing and advocacy work (focused on safer routes and improved outcomes). Comic Relief encourages proposals that prioritise holistic services and that involve refugees and asylum seekers with lived experience in the UK. The application deadline is 12 noon on 26 March 2024. Find out more

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