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Engage Update - 15 April

A new Money in Mind Tool from RACA and Renfrewshire HSCP

The Renfrewshire Affordable Credit Alliance (RACA) and Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) are delighted to launch a new tool aimed at health and social care organisations, groups and charities.
Both RACA and Renfrewshire HSCP support good mental health through improved money management. Research has shown that 83% of mental health practitioners have no formal training on speaking to clients about money and might struggle to know where to signpost for support.
The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) developed the Money in Mind Tool in partnership with the NHS. The tool aims to support mental health professionals explore issues an individual might be facing in relation to money.
Who is Money in Mind for?
Although the tool is aimed at mental health professionals, we believe it is a useful resource for a range of staff within health, social care and third sector settings.
Where can I access the Money in Mind tool?
The tool is a downloadable document and is already populated with Renfrewshire services to signpost to, which offer the best free support for the people you work with.
The Tool can be downloaded and used alongside the Food, Fuel and Finance Leaflet providing you and your client with comprehensive information on all aspects of money worries or problems.
Both resources can be found on the Engage Renfrewshire website at:

Money in Mind 
Food Fuel and Finance 


OSCR Reporter - April 2024

Charity law has changed

The first of the changes to charity law contained in the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023 came into effect on 1 April 2024.
Some of the main changes include:

  • increased inquiry powers for OSCR
  • power to remove charities from the Scottish Charity Register if they do not submit accounts and respond to OSCR
  • requirement for charities to have a connection to Scotland

The 2023 Act has also made minor changes to simplify interactions between charities and OSCR and provide more flexibility.

You can read a summary of the changes on our website, as well as read details of further measures which will be introduced in October 2024 and summer 2025.

Read more


The ‘It’s OK to Ask’ campaign is promoted by NHS Scotland to empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. Providing guidance on how to ask questions during any consultations or conversations about their health and care, the campaign aims to make patients more involved and informed on the treatment options available to them.

We would appreciate your support in sharing the campaign key messages and resources to relevant audiences. Social media toolkit containing guidance and social media assets are available to download at the bottom of this email.

Feel free to share this resource with other colleagues and teams who may find it useful. Should you require any help, or wish to request assets in other sizes or formats please get in touch NHS 24's Communications Team.


Scotland Reducing Gambling Harm Roundtabke - 15 May 

On 15 May, the Scotland Reducing Gambling Harm programme will be hosting our next roundtable which will explore treatment and support for gambling-related harm in Scotland. This event will take place at The Studio in Glasgow and run from 10am – 3pm.
During this event, attendees will have the chance to:

  • Hear from key speakers on current work and research on treatment and support in Scotland and across the UK.
  • Share views on what is needed to create effective treatment, support and recovery pathways in Scotland.
  • Discuss and identify actions and recommendations to achieve this.
  • Network and connect with other people committed to tackling gambling harm.

It would be great if some of you could help spread the word on social media by re-tweeting on X:
"Join @ScotRGH on 15th May for a roundtable event exploring treatment and support for gambling harm in Scotland."
This event will be a chance to hear from key speakers, share views, and identify actions to better support people affected by gambling harm. You can find out more and book here:


Global Intergenerational Week 2024 

Join us for Global Intergenerational Week from 24 to 30 April, 2024! This worldwide campaign encourages everyone to embrace intergenerational practice and relationships. Whether you're an individual, part of a group, organisation, government, or NGO, Global Intergenerational Week has something for everyone.
Generations Working Together hope this will be the largest campaign yet – ensuring that intergenerational practice is not just nice, but essential.
A Global Partnership
With our global partners, we are encouraging people from across the world to get involved. Watch our film below which gives a flavour of some of the international partners involved and what they will be up to during the week.
What’s on?
Each day of the week of the campaign is a different theme:
Day 1 (24/04) :Let’s Raise Intergenerational Awareness
Day 2 (25/04):Let’s Build Intergenerational Partnerships
Day 3 (26/04):Let’s Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation
Day 4 (27/04):Let’s Celebrate Intergenerational Spaces and Communities
Day 5 (28/04):Let’s Break Down Age Barriers
Day 6 (29/04):EU day – Solidarity between Generations
Day 7 (30/04):Let's Build Intergenerational Workplaces
There's also webinars which you can take part in. Find out more about Creating Intergenerational Communities programme and how to raise the quality of intergenerational work

Or perhaps join us for a session on Generational Misunderstandings, where we will discuss important and relevant misunderstandings that may occur between generations that will influence intergenerational work.
You may prefer to watch a new intergenerational film, Lives Well Lived Virtual Screening and Virtual Q&A session with filmmaker, Sky Bergman to discuss some of the themes.

Check out the resources that include lots of ideas of activities you can do to bring different generations together.

We are a membership organisation and welcome people from diverse roles and settings, and many different types of organisations.

Membership remains FREE to most people living and based in Scotland, thanks to our funders including Scottish Government.

Membership provides discounted rates for online training modules and training courses, in-person and online, including our accredited International Certificate in Intergenerational Practice.


SURF Award Shared Learning Workshops

There are 4 workshops, being held throughout May, covering the themes of EmployabilityHousing and RegenerationPlace-based Regeneration and Creative Regeneration.

The workshops will contain presentations from the 2023 SURF Award Winners and Highly Commended projects, plus input from relevant SURF national partners. 

You can find out more, and book your free place, using the links above or visiting: https://surf.scot/events/ 

These workshops are physical events in Glasgow and Edinburgh. 


A right to palliative care in Scotland - have your say 

There is currently significant unmet palliative care need across local populations, meaning a large proportion of people die without some or all of the palliative support they need, despite the fact 90% of people who die in Scotland each year would benefit from it. 

A legal right to palliative care would work towards eliminating this unmet need, by people of all ages living with terminal illness(es) residing in Scotland having equitable access to the palliative support which is right for them, when they need it.

A proposal for a Members Bill for a right to palliative care, being led by Miles Briggs MSP, with cross-party support from Bob Doris MSP and Rhoda Grant MSP has been launched, and a public consultation is open until 04 June 2024 and they want to hear your views.

There is also more information on Scottish Parliament and Marie Curie’s website.


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