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Engage Update - 08 April

Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund
Year 4 Announcement

£15 million has been made available for Scotland in 2024/25 for a fourth year of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults.

This is a reflection of the importance of prevention and early intervention approaches in protecting peoples’ mental health and wellbeing and the vital role of communities in delivering this. Given the success of the TSI led partnership approach to managing the Fund, this will continue to be the delivery model for Year 4. 

We will share more information on application processes and deadlines in due course.
For general information on the fund please see the news release issued by Scottish Government, linked here.


Views sought on mental health services in Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Members of the public are being invited to share feedback on mental health services delivered in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. A new survey has launched today which seeks views from patients, carers and the wider public on ways they may have sought help for mental health problems, and how useful they found them to be.

Find out more


The Power of Sport & Physical Activity Conference - Wednesday 5 June 2024

With 10 years since the Commonwealth Games was held in Glasgow, a conference to look at the lasting impact the event had on the city will be held to seek and develop a collective understanding of its impact and legacy.
Sport and physical activity programmes and events can be a powerful catalyst in bringing about positive change in the lives of people and communities around wellbeing, inclusion and social cohesion.
The event is being organised in partnership between Spirit of 2012, Inspiring Scotland, Actify, Basketball Scotland, Evaluation Support Scotland, Scottish Sports Futures, and University of the West of Scotland.
Speakers on the day will include Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Wellbeing & Sport and Forbes Dunlop, Director of sportscotland. The programme will show what works in reaching the least active, how sport and physical activity can achieve wider social impacts and how to improve the legacy planning of major sporting events.
In the run up to the conference Spirit of 2012 and the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) will be surveying people in Scotland’s memories and views on the benefit of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Results of this will be announced on the day.
Ruth Hollis, chief executive at Spirit of 2012 said:
“Spirit’s work began at a Glasgow event – the 2014 Commonwealth Games and we’ve worked with partners over the last 10 years to take forward its sporting legacy.
“We know that events and sport have the power to bring different people together and bridge divides.  Sporting events can help build happier, connected and thriving communities.  Spirit of 2012 is delighted to be supporting the Power of Sport and Physical Activity Conference in Glasgow.  A city with an impressive track record in hosting major sporting and cultural events.
“We look forward to bringing UK events and sports experts and stakeholders together to learn about the impact of Glasgow 2014 and how sport and physical activity can be used to achieve positive impact for people and communities’.
Celia Tennant, chief executive at Inspiring Scotland said:
“We are proud to be collaborating on this event with so many partners working to positively change lives through sport and physical activity.
“From our work at Inspiring Scotland, especially with our Thrive Outdoors and CashBack for Communities programmes, we know that boosting physical activity and promoting happiness and wellbeing is vital to help people live a happy, healthy and resilient life.  We look forward to sharing our learning in a room with other change makers in the area.” 
The Power of Sport & Physical Activity Conference will be held at Easterhouse Sport Centre on Wednesday 5 June 2024.

Tickets are free and available to reserve your space now. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/876060850587?aff=oddtdtcreator



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