Engage Newsletters

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Engage Update - 02 December

We launched our Annual Report 2023/2024 at our recent AGM.

You can view it online here:

An accessible version can be found on our website here


Change Mental Health - funded youth resillience programme

Until April 2025, Change Mental Health are offering fully funded programme delivery to organisations across Renfrewshire through their early intervention & prevention programme, Your Resilience.

Your Resilience is delivered to 14-18 year olds in pre-formed youth groups across Scotland and the UK, aiming to provide young people with the skills, tools, and knowledge to support their own mental health through life’s challenges.

If you know of any organisations that might benefit from this opportunity, please do sent forward the programme overview document.

Ciara Mallon


Gleniffer High school - YPI 

At Gleniffer High School as part of our YPI programme, we are planning a Charities fair on Tuesday 14 January 2025 from 11am-1pm.This will be an opportunity for pupils to find out about a wide range of local charities, or charities working with people in the local area, in order to help them decide what charity they should promote and create a pitch for in order to win the £3000 on offer for the winning team’s charity.
We ran a Charities Fair for the first time last year and are keen to build on this successful event by having a good representation of a whole range of local charities. We would be very grateful if you would be willing to send one or two volunteers to man a table for your charity – we are looking for them to tell the pupils all about their charity , what they do, why they do it and the impact it has on people’s lives, as they move round the stalls.
In case you have not been involved with YPI before, YPI raises awareness of your service and issue with our young people. There is also the opportunity to secure a grant of £3000. Since 2008, more than £6.8m has been granted to charities in Scotland championed by young people through YPI. More information about YPI can be found here: https://ypiscotland.org.uk/charity-zone/
If you would like to find out any more or to chat about this event, then please do not hesitate to get in touch, my number is 07724 858001.

Stuart McKinlay - Teacher of RMPS
Mr McKinlay gw22mckinlaystuart@glow.sch.uk


The Wise Group - HEAT Energy Advice and Crisis Funds

HEAT provides 1-1 mentoring support and advocacy to vulnerable households in the UK.  Our team of Energy Mentors provide a holistic, independent, tailored advice to fuel-poor households experiencing energy crises.  

We provide ongoing support throughout the process, helping customers understand their options and make informed decisions. This includes: 

  • Tackling energy emergencies 
  • Managing fuel debt and related issues, 
  • Advocate on your customer’s behalf. 
  • Accessing energy grants and crisis funds 
  • Optimising energy usage and efficiencies 

The support that we provide will help your customers long term. 
We know that many organisations will be finishing up for Christmas soon so it would be amazing if you can encourage any of your Partners or anyone that would benefit from this service to fill out the referral form just now so that we can ensure we have fully supported them ahead of Christmas.

Scotland please use this link : Multisupplier Scotland


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