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Funding & Training Update - 10 April


I hope this week’s newsletter finds you all well. 

Today there are some exciting prospects for those of you working with vulnerable young people, just keep an eye on those closing dates.  

There is a great opportunity with UnLtd, for social enterprising organisations to apply for funding to support start up, or to help your business grow. The funders focus for this round is Healthy Ageing and Access to Employment. 

SCVO have an opportunity to meet the funder, for those of you looking to apply to the Bank of Scotland Foundation or The National Lottery. Please sign up following the link below. 

In other funder news, The Robertson Trust are looking to sharpen the focus of their funds, to ensure they are achieving their strategic aims of understanding and alleviating the effects of poverty and trauma on our society. To enable them to do this they will be closing to new applications at midday on Friday 31 May 2024. A new look version of the funds will open in September 2024. You can read more here 

If you require any one to one support with funding please get in touch – jhamilton@engagerenfrewshire.com 


Children, Young People and Families

Funding to Support Challenged & Vulnerable Young People
Grants of up to £1,500 are available to charitable organisations supporting challenged and vulnerable young people under the age of 16 in the UK. The 7stars Foundation’s Social Impact Grants Programme will provide funding for projects which support young people living in areas of deprivation and socioeconomic disadvantage who are challenged by abuse or addiction, who are young carers, or who are homeless. A maximum of three charities will be shortlisted. The closing date for applications is the 30 April 2024 for the June funding review.  Find out more


Funding for New Housing Ideas to Support Vulnerable Young People at Risk of Homelessness
Frontline organisations across the UK are invited to apply for funding of up to £10,000 to conduct short-term studies to assess the feasibility of housing and support models for young people who have experience of the care system, mental health problems or difficult education experiences. The funding is part of Commonweal Housing’s Call for New Ideas programme, which aims to support innovative projects that address social injustice. The feasibility studies will be used to determine if there is scope for the proposed ideas to be developed into housing projects, which Commonweal would look to support by providing property for the pilots to run for up to ten years. £40,000 of funding is available in this call. The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 19 April 2024Find out more

New Funding Opportunity for the Youth Homelessness Sector
Comic Relief has launched a new funding opportunity for organisations specialising in supporting young people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness in the UK. The Every Step of the Way: Safe & Supported Beyond Homelessness funding programme offers grants of up to £200,000 over 3 to 5 years to support organisations to provide tailored, inclusive and accessible services, enabling young people aged 16 to 25 to access the right support at the right time. This funding can be used to support service delivery as well as influencing and advocacy work. Comic Relief encourages proposals that involve young people with lived experience. The deadline for applications is 3pm on the 07 May 2024Find out more

Small Grants for Summer Playschemes
Grants of between £500 and £1,000 are available to registered charities across the UK to fund summer playschemes for disadvantage children between the ages of 5-16 years. Charities with an annual income of less than £100,000 can apply for funding to run playschemes for a minimum of two weeks or ten days during the summer holidays. Priority will be given to small, local schemes involving a large number of children especially those with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds. If the applicant is not a registered charity, then a registered charity may apply on the scheme’s behalf. The funding is being made available through the Woodward Charitable Trust’s Summer Playscheme. The closing date for applications has been extended from the 05 April to the 19 April 2024.  Find out more



Grants for Churches for the Conservation of Decorative Features and Monuments
Grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available to churches, chapels and other places of worship built before 1896 to carry out small programmes of conservation work to decorative features and monuments. Eligible work includes, but is not limited to, stained glass windows, sculpture, furniture, internal monuments, tombs, and wall paintings. All work funded must be directed by a professional architect or established conservator and completed according to the principles of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). The funding is being made available through the William and Jane Morris Fund. Applications can be submitted at any time however the next closing date for applications is the 31 August 2024Find out more


Community Justice

Voluntary Throughcare Grant Fund 
The Scottish Government is launching a new grant fund to establish a national voluntary throughcare partnership of third sector organisations to provide support to people leaving prison after a short-term prison sentence or a period on remand. Community Justice Scotland will be conducting the grant process and assessment on behalf of the Scottish Government.  Applications for the grant fund will open at 12.00pm on the 15 April 2024. If you have any questions about the grant process or the grant fund contact: Grants@communityjustice.scotFind out more


Funding for Projects that Combat Abuse and Violation of Human Rights
UK-registered charities working to combat human rights abuses can apply for grants of £10,000 to £30,000 per year for up to three years. The funding is available to charities supporting migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, criminal justice reform, and access to justice. The funding is being made available through the AB Charitable Trust and typically makes one-off grants to eligible charities with annual incomes between £150,000 and £1.5 million and limited investments or surpluses. The next application deadline is 26 April 2024Find out more



Funding to Improve Employment & Training for Disabled People
Grants of up to £5,000 are available to UK registered charities for projects that support and improve access to employment and training for people living with disabilities. The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust awards the funding to charities that have an operating income and expenditure of over £1 million. The Trust will continue to prioritise charities that work in BAME communities, in light of Black Lives Matter and the growing awareness that these communities have been disproportionately affected by the Covid 19 crisis. The closing date for applications is 30 April 2024Find out more


Marine Conservation 

Funding for Marine Conservation Projects
Marine conservation charities and not for profit organisations (including schools) based and working in the UK can apply for grants of up to £2,500 towards projects and research that address the root causes of marine conservation threats and challenges in the UK, and increase the number of people taking action for marine conservation. The funding, which is being made available through the Sea-Changers Main Grants programme, seeks to support creative and innovative approaches which have lasting benefits and outcomes. Sea-Changers is particularly interested in grassroots projects which galvanise community action and in projects which increase the number of people taking action for marine conservation. Small grants of up to £500 are also available. Applications to the Small Grants programme can be made at any time. The next application deadline for the Main Grants programme is 30 September 2024Find out more 



Co-operative Bank - Customer Donation Fund
Organisations with a Community Directplus account at the Co-operative Bank, such as registered charities, co-operatives, and credit unions, can apply for grants of up to £1,000 from the Customer Donation Fund. Since 2003, the Co-operative Bank Donation Fund has donated over £1,000,000 to more than 1,100 local causes. The funds can support special projects and fundraising activities and all Community Directplus account holders are eligible to apply. Previous projects supported include Digital Life Skills CIC which works to give children and young people a better digital future by empowering them to navigate the growing online world: and funding for a non-profit organisation to purchase new tools, boots, hard hats, and high-visibility jackets for their workers. Applications can be submitted in March and September each year and will be assessed in April and October.  Find out more


Social Enterprise

Grants of up to £18,000 available to Social Entrepreneurs 
Grants of up to £18,000 plus business support are available to social entrepreneurs that are looking to start or grow an existing social venture. The funding is being made available through the UnLtd the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in and around the UK. UnLtd are committed to providing 50% of their awards to Black, Asian and minority ethnic social entrepreneurs, and/or disabled social entrepreneurs. To be eligible applicants need to be aged 16 or over, living in the UK and are looking to fulfil a clear social need and demand. The closing date for this funding round is 30 June 2024.  Find out more



Peter Harrison Foundation Opportunities Through Sport Grant Scheme
Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) throughout the United Kingdom can apply for grants of up to £50,000 to the Peter Harrison Foundation Opportunities Through Sport grant scheme. The aim of the grant scheme is to provide opportunities for sport and physical activity at a grassroots level that enable people who are physically, mentally, socially or economically disadvantaged to develop personal and life skills to fulfil their potential. The grants can be used for a variety of purposes, such as funding new sports programmes, improving existing sports facilities, or providing training and support for sports coaches. Priority will be given to organisations with an annual turnover of up to £500,000. The next closing date for applications is 01 July 2024Find out more


Vulnerable/Disadvantaged People

Grants of up to £5,000 Available to Charities Supporting Vulnerable & Disadvantaged People
The Leathersellers Company is currently seeking applications from small Charities and Charitable Incorporated Organisations that are providing vital services for vulnerable people in deprived communities across the UK. The Small Grants Programme will award grants of up to £5,000 to organisations with an annual income of less than £200,000. Partnerships are encouraged. The number of applications will be capped and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The Committee will meet regularly to ensure charities receive a decision within a month of submitting their application. There are 10 application windows throughout the year and each window will close when 45 applications have been received. Find out more


Opening Soon

The Hilden Charitable Fund
The aim of the Fund is to address disadvantages, notably by supporting causes which are less likely to raise funds from public subscriptions or statutory sources. They support work at a community level. Current funding priorities are: - Asylum Seekers and Refugees: support organisations and projects which provide essential services; which help meet their needs; and which support their integration within the wider community. - Penal Affairs: support work "through the door" where organisations go into prisons with projects and support to help prisoners (especially women) cope and/or maintain family bonds and to be better able to resettle positively when released. Also support post-release projects which support positive resettlement and a reduction in the likelihood of reoffending. You cannot apply if you are currently a grant holder and your grant is not due to end until 2024. Find out more

Poundland Foundation
The Poundland Foundation supports organisations working to transform communities and change lives across the UK. If you’re a local sports club or organisation looking for support for your team, then you are eligible to apply for a grant of up to provide kit or equipment for your team. Next deadline 24 May 2024Find out more


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