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Funding & Training Update - 01 May

New funding opportunities are a bit sparse this week but there some exciting openings in the next few weeks and months. The Bank of Scotland Energise grant opens on Tuesday 28 May. This grant is for charities with an income of less that £150,000, and you can apply for up to £20,000 unrestricted funding. If you are thinking about applying it is always best practice to reach out to the funder and start a conversation before you begin working on an application. To find out more about the Bank of Scotland grant and others opening soon, please see the links below. 


  • Community Projects 
  • Gaelic Language 
  • Museums 
  • Social Housing 
  • Veterans 
  • Opening Soon


  • Vaping & Tobacco Awareness Raising Courses
  • Food Train - Eat Well Age Well Training


  • Meet the Funders 
  • Renfrewshire Affordable Credit Alliance - Improving Financial Resilience in Renfrewshire
  • Social Enterprise Supporting Mental Health Awareness Week


Grants Available for Community Projects
Charities, charitable incorporated organisations, and municipally funded museums across the UK can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £25,000 for projects that positively impact local communities. The funding is made available through the Steel Charitable Trust Rolling Grants programme, which supports various projects and activities that make a real impact on arts and heritage, education, environment, health, and social or economic disadvantage. Funding can be used to cover core costs, capital works, and specific projects. Organisations with an annual income of over £50,000 are welcome to apply by 11 July 2024. Find out more


Funding to Increase the Use of Gaelic
Public and local authorities can apply for grants of up to £25,000 to support projects that promote the National Gaelic Language Plan in Scotland. The funding is made available by Bòrd na Gàidhlig though the Gaelic Plans Fund, which aims to increase the learning and use of Gaelic, and promote a positive image of the language. Two funding streams are available: the Strategic Stream which is open to applications from six identified local authorities; and the Projects Stream which offers all other public bodies the opportunity to apply. The application deadline for the Projects Stream is now closed.  The closing date for the Strategic Stream is 30 May 2024. Find out more


Grants of up to £100,000 Available to Enable Museums to Better Engage with the Public
Accredited museums or partnerships of museums and other organisations can apply for grants of up to £100,000 for projects lasting up to two years that aim to bring their collections closer to people by enhancing accessibility and engagement with the public. The funding, which is being provided through the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation’s Collection Fund aims to award approximately 12 grants per year, distributed across two funding rounds. The funding focuses on existing collections; applicants are expected to centre their proposals around them. The Foundation encourages museums to build on their previous experience and apply for funding to develop their projects further. The closing date for applications is 16 September 2024. Find out more


Grants & Loans for Social Housing Projects
Grants and interest-free loans are available to registered charities and small organisations providing affordable homes for vulnerable people in need in England, Scotland, Wales, the Channel Islands & Isle of Man. The Quaker Housing Trust provides support through two separate programmes to help housing projects that meet the needs of people undergoing transitions in their lives, such as those seeking asylum, recovering from addiction, leaving prison, or moving from domestic abuse. Best Practice Grants of up to £6,000 are offered to support projects in their early stages of development, while the Main Grants and Loans Programme awards a mixture of grants and loans up to £50,000 (with maximum grants of £25,000) to fund housing projects. The next deadline for applications is 12 June 2024.  Find out more


Funding to Support Members of the Armed Forces and their Families
Armed Forces charities and other not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to £70,000 to support serving armed forces personnel, veterans, operationally qualified seafarers and their immediate families. The Veteran’s Foundation will award funding for projects lasting up to three years to organisations with low to medium income. A range of factors will be considered including the service or item being funded, the number of beneficiaries, the importance of the grant to the applicant organisation, the efficiency of the organisation, need of the beneficiaries and its urgency. The Foundation is introducing a new Grant Making System which is due to go live in mid-September. The next closing date for applications is 30 July 2024. Find out more


Bank of Scotland
To ensure funding can reach those in real need, the Energise grants programme for 2024 will solely focus on helping charities who support vulnerable groups/people. The Energise programme provides unrestricted funding. Unrestricted funding gives charities much greater scope to cover all essential costs and deal with challenges quickly and effectively. Unrestricted funding can be used towards core costs, delivery costs, project costs and/or general running costs enabling charities to use their funding in the way that helps them best. Next deadline 06 June 2024. Find out more.



Renfrewshire HSCP Health Improvement Team are delighted to share a new Vaping & Tobacco awareness raising course. The course will be delivered by LANDED which is a young persons' charity who work with young people to promote messages of harm reduction on topics such as; Tobacco, drugs, cannabis, alcohol and sexual health. As part of their services they provide staff training opportunities to build the knowledge, understanding and confidence of staff members who work directly with young people.

  • Tues 04 June – 10.30am - 4pm at Tweedie Hall, Linwood, PA3 3DB
  • Thurs 13 June – 10.30am – 4pm at Renfrew Health & Social Care Centre, 10 Ferry Road, Renfrew, PA4 8RU

If you would like to book a place for yourself or your staff please email: HealthImprovement.Renfrewshire@ggc.scot.nhs.uk with your name, organisation, contact details and which date you prefer.


Eat Well Age Well

Eat Well Age Well offers free virtual ‘Raising the Issue of Malnutrition’ training sessions, hosted on MS Teams, which aim to increase attendees' knowledge and confidence around identifying and supporting older people at home in the community who are at risk or are suffering from malnutrition. The sessions are aimed at those who work with/care for older adults living in their own homes such as volunteers, health and social care staff, local authority staff or anyone working in the third sector.
Find out more and book here



Johnstone Town Hall
Wednesday 15 May, 10am – 12.30pm
Come along to Johnstone Town Hall on 15 May for a partnership approach to improving financial resilience in Renfrewshire.
We have guest Speakers from trading Standards Scotland, Right Way Credit Union and Williamsburgh Housing Association. We welcome tenant representatives to this special event and will launch our Good Guide To Credit along with the RACA Survey results – can you afford to miss this? 
Register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/improving-financial-resilience-in-renfrewshire-tickets-884753530627
Tea, coffee and a light breakfast will be supplied.

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