Renfrewshire Employability Programme
Renfrewshire Employability Programme

Renfrewshire Employability Programme


  10am - 11am

Renfrewshire Employability programme

Join us on Tuesday 27 April at 10am for a short briefing on the various employability programmes now available in Renfrewshire; this one hour session is aimed at anyone delivering services for young people, employability practitioners and business leaders. You will hear from Invest and Engage about what’s available, when and for whom. Register here

In Renfrewshire there are 1,305 young people aged 16-24 claiming unemployment benefits; almost double the number from March 2020. Many more are not working but not claiming. In response to the anticipated disproportionate economic impact on young people, both the UK Government and the Scottish Government have announced plans to support youth employment; we’re working hard in Renfrewshire to deliver these, and you can help. The programmes being covered in the session are:

• Kickstart

• Young Person’s Guarantee (#YPGuarantee)

• No One Left Behind

• Youth VIP

• Saltire Awards

You’ll gain a better understanding of each of the current programmes, what they offer and how to get involved. Plus there’ll be an opportunity to ask questions of your own. Please register via Eventbrite and a MS Teams link will be sent to you on Monday 26 April. For further info contact info@engagerenfrewshire.com

We look forward to welcoming you to the session.

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