Renfrewshire COC - 12 Days of Digital December - Day 11 - Anti-Social Media (NSDesign)
10am - 12pm
On Day 11 of The 12 Days of Digital December, join NSDesign to learn where social media can go wrong in business, showing real world examples, the devastating outcomes, and discussing ways to mitigate the risks of it happening to you.
Social Media is a hot topic right now, with businesses scrambling to get to grips with the likes of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But it isn’t always fun selfies and cat videos. For businesses who trip up on social, the results can be dramatic, with consequences impacting you, your staff, your brand reputation and more.
From defamation and getting sued on Twitter, to recruitment nightmares from Googling candidates. From inappropriate images on Facebook, to password hacks and data theft. This is a workshop you will not want to miss – your reputation depends on it!
To book your free place please email Laura Connor: lconnor@renfrewshirechamber.com or Laura Ritchie: lritchie@renfrewshirechamber.com