How do we create a climate confident third sector?
How do we create a climate confident third sector?

How do we create a climate confident third sector?

21/11/2022 (Staff Post )

How do we create a climate confident third sector?

As we all know by now, Scotland has made a commitment to become Net Zero by 2045, with Renfrewshire Council’s ambition to do so by 2030. How do we in the third sector achieve this? Yes it needs funding, which we hope will come, but it also needs small changes and a positive attitude.

To help me on my journey in supporting the third sector within Renfrewshire, I have signed up to as many newsletters as I can, attended training and become involved in various networks.  I also recently attended SCVO’s “how do we create a climate confident third sector”, where funders and support organisations got together to discuss the subject and come up with ways SCVO can offer support across Scotland. Watch this space, as hopefully something new is on its way.

It was in this session that they penny finally dropped for me. I was very fortunate to be sitting next to the Chief Executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful and during our table discussions, I discovered that we should not look at this as a new skill but more as a value, as we do for example with equalities. All organisations should commit to make changes, however big or small and by doing this and demonstrating to the staff, volunteers and the communities we support that we can make big changes.

I would like to start this conversation in Renfrewshire by suggesting we work together to share ideas, learning and initiatives. One idea that was gained (again at this event) is that in Arran they have milk machines in the local shops and people go with their glass bottle to buy the milk they need and when finished it is washed  and re-used. And who remembers shops that had food bins, where you could go and buy the rice, cornflakes and cornflower etc. in the quantities you would use?

I know we have many groups and organisations here that are taking their own initiatives to recycle, reuse and reduce. Can I ask you to share your ideas with our network so we can all learn and support one another to make our journey to Net Zero fun, inventive and create positive change?

To share your ideas, please email me Sandra Brown sbrown@engagerenfrewshire.com and I will include them in our Wednesday e-alert.


Further information

Funders who have signed up to commit to climate change Funder Commitment on Climate Change (fundercommitmentclimatechange.org)

Renfrewshire Council Plan for Net Zero

Resources Advice for Moving towards Net | Resources | Engage (engagerenfrewshire.org)

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