Get on the bus...
Get on the bus...

Get on the bus...

16/06/2023 (Staff Post - Alan McNiven )

Get on the bus...

It’s Father’s Day this weekend and while I might get something wrapped up as a present (a cheese and pickle sandwich wrapped in tinfoil would suffice) there are numerous gestures from my children that I would appreciate. Many of them don’t require spending any money – just the availability of bread and cheese. 

If my kids are listening here’s my list of possible treats:

1. Time together: Their undivided attention and time would be good – mobile phones not inches from their faces... 

2. A homemade gift: a card, a drawing, or a craft project – something that I can put on the fridge thanks…

3. Breakfast in bed: Scrambled eggs might be asking a bit much but I’d settle for toast…

4. A day of relaxation: 8hrs without anyone muttering ‘Dad where’s my XXXX?’… 

Remember, the most meaningful gifts often come from the heart – and when all else fails, get out the cheddar.

Oh and one other thing - a day off from being the Dad Taxi would be great. Get the bus!!

Talking of transport issues…

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